The hearing will be Saturday, February 15, at 3PM. We will liveblog it here. If a reader has access to the filings — the site is incompatible with something at my end — and would be so kind as to download and forward them, I would like to repost them here. Meeting is about to start. Krawchuk is chairing. Slight…
Third Party Watch
For the March 2 meeting, there are two relevant motions made by Mr. Watkins: Mr. Andrew Watkins: Rescinding the Building Fund (Notice given on 02/10/25) Authorize sale of 1444 Duke St., Alexandria, VA (Notice given on 02/10/25) Adrian Malagon has been elected as an At-Large member of the Libertarian National Committee. We are advised that the LNC was presented with…
We have removed several comments that perhaps should not have passed moderation. We are not Independent Political Report. Posts about IPR administration that are made here will henceforth be rejected.
Since the start of the year, the LNC has acted on an extended series of motions. Results include Minor corrections to the minutes are passing, currently 8-0. A motion appointing Adrian Malagon as an at-large member is currently passing 10-3, Garcia, Lam, and Watkins opposed. A motion to appoint a special committee to investigate conflicts of interest and LNC business…
Freedom Voter News has released its second issue. Regular publication is planned. The newsletter is now under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief Jake Porter. Freedom Voter News is looking for local reporters who will supply good news about positive accomplishments of pro-liberty parties such as the Liberal Party and the Libertarian Party. Porter has received national recognition for his exposure of…
Meeting started on time. Harlos calls roll. Watkins and Redpath are absent. Nekhaila reports the bank account transfers are advancing. Signers will be Chair, Treasurer, and to be added Vice Chair. Motion to add Vice Chair Darr as signatory passes without objection. Staff is handling transitioning. Minutes were approved. Substantial party activities were not discussed.
Readers who joined your Editor in watching yesterday’s LNC meeting will have noted repeated interruptions by the same person, so far as could be told the LP Hawaii Chair, screaming denunciations of the meeting until he was ejected. We have since learned that he apparently also sent a threatening message to every LNC member. The message follows: From: LPHI Chair…
Adrian Malagon was elected Chair ad interim. In your Editor’s opinion, he did a thoroughly professional job of running of what could have been a tendentious meeting. Steve Nekhaila beat Michael Heise, 9-6, and was elected Chair. Paul Darr and Andrew Watkins were nominated for Vice Chair. Watkins read the room and withdrew. Darr was elected Vice Chair. A new…
I have arrived and activated the Zoom link. I have not yet been admitted. Others are in the same boat. I have just been admitted. Harlos called roll. They are electing a chair pro tem. Harlos is currently acting as Chair. There was a motion to elect Malagon as Acting Chair. There was an objection that was ignored. They went…
We are getting posters who are being impolite in their references to other people. We have already blocked a certain number of out-and-out trolls. If you find your comment did not appear, you should consider what you said.