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PRESS RELEASE: Keystone Party Officer John Waldenberger to Appear on Ballot for Telford, Pennsylvania Borough Council Race

John Waldenberger, the Treasurer of the Keystone Party in Pennsylvania, is seeking Borough office in Telford, Pennsylvania. He has recently announced that he will appear on the general election ballot as a member of the Keystone Party in a two-way election.

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As of Noon, August 10th, 2023, the petition challenge period for independent and minor party candidates passed with no challenges to signatures collected on behalf of John Waldenberger of the Keystone Party of Pennsylvania to be named on ballot for Telford Borough Council (two year term).

Waldenberger, a long-time Telford resident, will challenge Republican Robert Jacobus, the unelected Council Member appointed to fill the vacancy created in 2022 by the resignation of former Council Member Jeffrey Maxwell. Since his appointment, Jacobus has pushed a divisive personal agenda fueled by bigotry and extremist ideology. During his short tenure on Council, Jacobus has made outrageous and unsubstantiated accusations about the Indian Valley Public Library and has encouraged people from outside the Borough to attend Council Meetings, some of whom have been disruptive and intimidating to Borough residents. Jacobus routinely interrupts the normal business of the Council, breaking protocol, and engaging in behavior that may violate Pennsylvania’s Open Meetings Law, known as the Sunshine Act.

Waldenberger has pledged to stop censorship and will fight extremist attempts to defund the Indian Valley Public Library. During this time of increasingly polarized partisan politics. Waldenberger wants to work collaboratively with Council Members, regardless of their political affiliation, to restore order and focus on the important issues of municipal government such as public works, streets, and emergency services.

Waldenberger has also endorsed candidates Katherine Farina and Merredith Torres for four year terms on Borough Council. In his endorsement Waldenberger writes, “We must elect people who want to do the business of the Borough, not disrupt it.”

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