We tip our hat to the Fakertarians group on Facebook, which has obtained the documents described by the LNC as a breach of confidentiality by Miguel Duque. As the documents were sent by him (in the form of a 17Mb zip file) only to the LNC, we decline to explain how confidentiality could have been violated. We also received a copy, but our copy was embargoed until today, so Fakertarians published first. We quote their press release:
“Fakertarians’s Post
“Much has been made the last several days about documents sent to the Libertarian National Committee by LNC Region 1 Representative Miguel Duque. LNC Secretary Caryn Ann Harlos has described the documents as “petty mean girl gossip,” while LNC Chair Angela McArdle has stated that they include “awful comments,” including ones she made.
“We at Fakertarians have received the documents from a source. They include conversations between McArdle and others, as well as a memo sent to the Libertarian National Committee in May of 2023 outlining several different issues, including McArdle’s assertion that “the takeover is turning into a disaster.” The documents also feature a Mises Caucus discord chat that features several members of the LNC, including McArdle, talking about various LNC business. Also included is an explanatory document that seems to be from Duque himself that outlines the corruption that he asserts is running rampant throughout the LNC.
“In the interest of transparency, and because we believe Libertarian Party members deserve to know what’s going on in their party behind closed doors, a Google Drive link for the documents is below. We will be diving deeper into what’s featured in the documents as this story progresses.
“The link is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13odD8qIufVvwIisAG96Rc263R10jfMeT”
Another unfortunate example of caucus wars. The director of the Classical Liberal Caucus (CLC), Jonathan Casey, appears to be the source for the Fakertarians file dump after an analysis of the “START HERE” introductory document showed a “jtcas” as the author. Mr. Casey admitted to being the source in the CLC Discord chat.