Last updated on August 28, 2023
The Mises PAC is a Hybrid PAC with separate Federal and non-Federal contributions. We here report on their finances for the first half of 2023. In the words of the FEC:
“Hybrid PAC – A committee that, in addition to making contributions, establishes a separate bank account to deposit and withdraw funds raised in unlimited amounts from individuals, corporations, labor organizations and/or other political committees, consistent with the stipulated judgment in Carey v. FEC. The funds maintained in this separate account will not be used to make contributions, whether direct, in-kind or via coordinated communications, or coordinated expenditures, to federal candidates or committees.”
Total receipts $166,068.13
Total individual contributions $84,538.39 broken into
Itemized individual contributions $18,395.18
Unitemized individual contributions $66,143.21.
Other Receipts $81,529.74
The “other receipts” may not be used for the support of Federal candidates. The largest single donor to the Other Receipts gave $30,000.
The Committee made nine campaign contributions, each for $300. $500 paid for a social media ad. $3383 went to Trends Journal.
The Committee spent $45178 on consulting, of which $27,500 went to Michael Heise. Smaller amounts went to Bastiat Creative, Aaron Harris, Christopher Glabach, Per Bylund, and Keith Knight. Legal documents and services came to $10,759.
Events and Event Tables came to $5921. Media production costs to Scott Horton Media and Sharpe Way Media came to $5687. Hotel Rooms at Days and Hilton Hotels came to $7198. The Non-contribution account paid for and additional $54,063 to hotels and events.
Email services to Microsoft and Drip came to $5133. Group Text Software to EXTexting came to $715.50. Microsoft licenses received $4128. Server Services to OVH came to $2688. Other software included $727.
Speaker fees were $15,064. Travel and lodging were $12,387. Speaker rooms at the Sheraton Austin were $1537.
The Committee sold goods, spending $7402 for the goods, notably money to Apogee Books, Shirts into Plowshares, AOP. and Wacky Buttons. Merchant fees to Anedot were $7289. Shipping costs were $444.
There are a few other small expenditures of different sorts.