We have received a spreadsheet form an unimpeachable source, comparing our end-of-February 2024 data with the matching information from end-of-February, 2020. There were five checking/savings accounts, namely two unrestricted accounts, and three restricted accounts, the restricted accounts being Convention, Building, and Legal. The Legal account was empty. The LNC had just under $306,000 cash on hand in 2020, and over…
Posts published in March 2024
Addendum: The motion is out of order. Only the LNC can approve borrowing money and a 2/3 vote is required. LNC member Adrian Malagon has called for a $250,000 line of credit for the LNC. His actual call reads: Greetings Executive Committee Members, I move to take out a line of credit of up to $250,000. I am looking for…
I anticipate liveblogging the LNC Executive Committee meeting tonight, at least the public parts. McArdle says no motions were noticed, so there can be no motions during the meeting. Attendance is being taken. Meeting came to order at 7:43. Roll is taken. Treasurer says he will go through the powerpoints he has distributed. Restricted accounts are almost all convention money. …
McArdle’s Resignation, Access to Party Records, Are Demanded Third Party Watch has received a copy of a demand letter send to Angela McArdle by Law Firm Veritas and pro bono publico, D.C. Bar member Theodore Godfrey of Maryland, on behalf of a Libertarian National Committee Director and many National Party members, demanding that McArdle resign and that an extensive series…
LNC Region 6 Regional Representative Mark Tuniewicz has called on LP National Chair McArdle, National Vice Chair Watkins, and National Secretary Harlos to resign. He describes the LNC’s financial situation (previous story) as a “dangerous financial precipice” for which the trio are accountable. He writes: Todd, [Hagopian, the LNC Treasurer] Thank you for taking the time to put this together.…
The LNC Treasurer released the January and February financial reports. Treasurer Released January Report. Convention sales $18K Other Income $91K Other expenses $114K Also February Report Convention sales — 16K$ Other income – 79 K$ Other expenses – 122K$ That’s $23K behind for January and $43K behind for February, convention income being held to pay for the convention. On the…
With a tip of the hat to Sean ‘0 for telling us about this: From: Todd Hagopian Subject: Need Emergency Meeting On Financials I would like to call for a meeting, of the entire LNC, at 8pm CST on Saturday, March 30th with the sole topic being financials and budgeting. Executive Session topics expected. Looking for co-sponsors. In a separate…
Secret Meeting Was Closed to Other LNC Members Now with meeting results appended The LP Executive Committee has voted, following a secret meeting, to send $5000 to Michigan in support of the LP Michigan Chadderdon faction. Contrary to usual practice, LNC members who are not members of the Executive Committee were barred from attending the secret part of the meeting.…
In a statement from Aaron Harris, the Libertarian Party Mises Caucus denounced the proposal that the Libertarian Party should nominate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as its Presidential candidate. We quote in full the statement: Over the last couple of weeks, there has been considerable speculation about whether Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will be seeking our party’s nomination for president—and about…
The attention of readers is drawn to an interesting article in the Washington Examiner While the article is about Second Amendment Rights groups, the relevant lessons are far broader in their application, and should be of interest even to third-party activists not interested in the Second Amendment. Comparison is made between the National Rifle Association and the Gun Owners of…