Last updated on June 8, 2024
We have received an extended letter from our correspondents in Idaho about Libertarian politics in the state. Our correspondents are Jinni Imhoff-Dousharm, Joe Evans, and Shon Luoma. Short political biographies are found at the end of this article.
Jinni Imhoff-Dousharm writes: Making a long story as short as possible, the Mises Caucus used a questionable legal loophole to force their takeover of the state Libertarian Party
Two years ago, they used the antiquated Precinctman process, something the party was deliberately not using in preparation for a lawsuit against the state. They elected a Precinctman. The single elected Precinctman called a meeting with a quorum of 1, without informing the state executive board, dedicated himself as the sole member of the “state central committee”, and used that power to remove me and my husband from the Party. He then elected a new Chair.
This year, once again a single person was elected Precinctman, but this time the Precinctman was a non-Mises member. The Mises-Caucus-run state party has done nothing over 2 years: no meetings, no county activity… While several Mises Caucus members ran for Precinctman, none were elected through the public election process.
When Jennifer Luoma won as Precinctman, she held a meeting the same way the Mises Caucus did, except she was transparent and made sure there was public notice of meetings. She even asked the Executive Board to give notice of the meeting, which they did. She has already filed all the appropriate documentation with the Idaho Elections Office.
Mrs. Luoma is now the sole member of the “state central committee”.
Now the MC led Executive committee is calling for an emergency bylaws meeting, even though our Bylaws say they can only be amended by convention. They have made it clear they are trying to change the rules out of session in order to block Mrs. Luoma from having any say in the party.
Joe Evans has more details and can provide you with documentation.
Joseph Evans wrote: This was the organizational meeting of the Kootenai County Central Committee, as required by state law and Party bylaws. The meeting was interrupted by the Vice chair and secretary of the executive committee telling them to discontinue a legally mandated meeting. [Editor: The video can be seen at
Note that there is quiet for first five minutes.]
Biographical notes:
Joseph Evans is a former libertarian candidate for US Congress and delegate to the Reno natioanl convention. He is also a Combat Veteran who served in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Jennifer Imhoff says of herself that she is a former Chair of the Libertarian Party of Idaho (2020-2022) and former Idaho state director, Jo Jorgensen for President (2019-2020)
Mrs. Luoma was originally from Minnesota. She was the chair of the Twin Ports Libertarian Party in 2016-17. She moved to Idaho with her husband and quickly got involved with the state party. She became the Region 1 representative and actively ran for state legislature. She is involved in several local political coalitions. She is currently the Kootenai County Chair and is the only elected Precinctman in Idaho.
Mrs. Luoma writes of herself: I’m 55. I moved to Idaho for love. I married a childhood friend who is also a Libertarian. I was appointed Chair of Region 1 and gradually got to know and respect Joe. The MN state party was professional and what I respected was the passion and work that went into the party. Idaho was organized. It had an active group in Boise with a monthly libertarian brunch which featured a speaker. Not a lot was going on in north Idaho. We got organized and were getting recognized due to our new phenomenal chair Jennifer Imhoff. We started not just monthly events but weekly activities throughout the state. We’ve been working with Washington Libertarians and even had a well-attended inland Porcupine festival which was well attended. I had never met any of the Mises people until our 2020 zoom convention where a disgruntled Libertarian and five of his comrades tried to take over the party. They didn’t help with ANY local campaigns. They didn’t help with the Jo Jorgensen rally nor did they attend any local meetings.
I assumed that they had fizzled out until the 2022 state convention. There it became obvious they had set us up and ambushed the party. I was blocked from their Meetup page until recently. I’m running for House, District 2B; my husband Shon Luoma is an elected libertarian. They have never offered to help with campaigns and make a point to exclude us from events. At the last meet and greet we attended they said we weren’t welcome. The MAIN problem is that the Mises people don’t want us involved under any circumstances.
Shon Luoma writes: I am a Minnesota native who moved to Idaho in 2005 where I focused on my aviation maintenance career. In 2017 married Jennifer and became more active in my community. I currently am an elected official on a local municipality board of directors. I’m helping our community upgrade our underground infrastructure.
My involvement in the State LP provided great experiences with other state officials at state conventions and an occasional event somewhere in the state. My wife became a Regional Chair. We saw the challenges in congregating other like minded people together due to the geographical difficulties of North Idaho.
Personally, my interactions with Idaho Libertarian Party Mises Caucus have been horrible. All conversation meant for my wife was eye contact towards me. I have been in unkind conversations where many words spoken can be summarized as saying that I need to make my wife heel. [Editor: I asked what was meant. Heel? Evans: No, it was heel, or put her on a leash. ] I’ve heard Shon Luoma reference both while talking about conversations with certain parties]
Those are not conversations I cannot, in good will, participate in. There is an amount of immaturity we need to quash here in Idaho and have real conversations about state involvement in the lives of Idahoans.
It’s sad that Shon and Jennifer have to attend LPWA state conventions, which they never miss, because Idaho LP is so toxic. In 2021, both were made honorary members of the LPWA. I fail to understand why anyone doesn’t like either of them or Joe Evans, who is secretly the Wyndham Resorts price genie.
A few minor corrections made, none changing the meaning of the political issues.
Thank you
I have a couple corrections to help, though Joe likely has sent them to you already.
I approve your documentation noting corrections.
I did chuckle near the end where you asked Joe for clarity in my use of the word “heel”.
Unfortunately it is that bad. I will swear under purjury many conversations where more colorful and condemning or resentful words were used towards my wife and I.
Sorry but there is that kind of bigotry which still exists and the perfect summary for every single conversation we had in that one word. They hate her because she is too frank and calls their BS.
That last bit is not Joe Evans, but Shon Luoma, the senior elected Libertarian in the state of Idaho as the Bayview Waterboard, and current Kootenai County Libertarian Central Committee Chair.