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Here We Go Again — LNC May Intervene in Idaho

Last updated on June 26, 2024

There is a final outcome on the motion from Secretary Harlos: ” Until such time as the LNC receives and reviews a decision from the Idaho JC on this matter, I move that the LNC honor the status quo and continue to recognize Jay Sorensen and his cohort as the officers of the Libertarian Party of Idaho.”

Update: The motion passed 10-1-1-4, the Chair not voting. This many abstentions on an email motion is to my memory unique. Note that four of the five non-voters other than the Chair simply did not vote. They did not announce an expressed abstention, but on something this significant their silence sends a clear message.

Voting for: Dassing, Ford, Garcia, Haman, Harlos, Hays, McGee, Vinson, Watkins, Yeniscavitch

Voting against: Nekhaila

Explicit Abstain: Bost

Did not vote: Darr, Nanna, Redpath, Rutherford

The Chair often does not vote.


Here we go again:

LP Secretary

We have an email ballot. Votes are due to the LNC Business List on this email thread by 11:59 pm Pacific Time on June 25, 2024

Motion: Move that the LNC honor the status quo and continue to recognize Jay Sorensen and his cohort as the officers of the Libertarian Party of Idaho Until such time as the LNC receives and reviews a decision from the Idaho JC on this matter.

(Full text of request in request: It has come to my attention that there is a controversial situation unfolding in Idaho. There was an alleged improper mass removal of all board officers including the chair during a proceeding that allegedly lacked due process and proper notice.

As I understand it, this matter will be taken up by the Idaho Judicial Committee. Until such time as the LNC receives and reviews a decision from the Idaho JC on this matter, I move that the LNC honor the status quo and continue to recognize Jay Sorensen and his cohort as the officers of the Libertarian Party of Idaho.)


The matter arises from Adam Haman

I’m seeking co-sponsors regarding a troubling situation in Idaho. Because drama never rests…

It has come to my attention that there is a controversial situation unfolding in Idaho. There was an alleged improper mass removal of all board officers including the chair during a proceeding that allegedly lacked due process and proper notice.

As I understand it, this matter will be taken up by the Idaho Judicial Committee. Until such time as the LNC receives and reviews a decision from the Idaho JC on this matter, I move that the LNC honor the status quo and continue to recognize Jay Sorensen and his cohort as the officers of the Libertarian Party of Idaho.

I’m seeking co-sponsors.

Thank you.


Jonathan McGee – Co-sponsor.

From: Travis Bost Co-sponsor.

From: Travis Bost Is there somewhere we can review facts as currently known?

From: Adam Haman Fully-agreed-upon facts are in short supply at the moment, but hopefully we will have some nailed down soon. Or at least a tale of two narratives.

From: Roman Garcia Co-sponsor


From: LP Secretary <secr…>
I will start a ballot on this later tonight hopefully.
As Adam said, the facts are truly in flux. But they do have a Judicial Committee and a mass removal of officers in an affiliate that wrongfully did this just three years ago is cause for a closer look. Their Judicial Committee did a great job last time of laying out facts (though I am sure the members are different now). Let’s see what they bring us. We cannot have this state of confusion in the midst of a presidential year. It is my understanding that the current officers control all the assets of the Party and that the State of Idaho is aware of the situation and also awaiting them to internally sort it out through their JC. I am in favor of this freezing the status quo as far as the relationship of the affiliate with the LNC until we can hear a full airing of the facts from everyone and have a Judicial Committee report in hand.
In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos


From: Robert Vinson
Evening LNC,
I would also like to review the facts prior to any vote or co-sponsoring.
In Liberty,
Robert Vinson, Esq.


  1. George Phillies George Phillies Post author | June 26, 2024

    Bost announced that he was abstaining.

  2. J. M. Jacobs J. M. Jacobs June 25, 2024

    Vinson cast a yes vote yesterday 6/24. Voting should have ended.

    • George Phillies George Phillies Post author | June 25, 2024

      Voting has until tonight at midnight.

  3. George Phillies George Phillies Post author | June 22, 2024

    The ballot has been out for some days, but vote counting has come to a grinding halt. There are nine votes in favor, one opposed, but Bost, Darr, McArdle, Nanna, Redpath, Rutherford, and Vinson have shown no sign of voting.

    • George Phillies George Phillies Post author | June 24, 2024

      The vote counting is still at a halt.

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