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LNC Meeting of July 7, 2024 Liveblog

They are approaching coming to order.  Call to order.  Rutherford and Nanna absent.   There is discussion of Colorado.  People complimented Caryn Ann Harlos for her appeal.  Others spoke in favor of  Colorado.  There were calls for replacing Oliver with Rectenwald as the Presidential candidate.

Convention Committee: McArdle: We are waiting for some adjustments on the bills from the hotel, as are some candidates.  The hotel bill was accrued in May; other bills were paid in June and July.  Some candidates have not yet paid completely because their bills are being adjusted. There is a financial report for May not yet including some hotel adjustments.

Redpath: DC is not being attempted.  5200 signatures needed.

Alabama has raised, with the support of Redpath and Winger, the required $20,000.  Contract for petitioning starting this Friday is under way.

Kentucky drive is under way. Good petitioners are there.

Minnesota anticipates completing voluntarily.

NH said to be in good shape.

NJ is raising money. Deadline is July 29.

PA is at 4459 signatures.  They need another 3000 or so signatures soon.  Needs a higher gear. August 1 signatures.

RI expects to complete with volunteers.

TN needs only 275 signatures.

VA plans to finish the rest with volunteers.

WA has almost enough signatures.

I may have dropped a state.  Good liveblogger I am not.

Nekhaila: LNC oversight of committees.  Some are functioning.  Some are not. There are various difficulties.  We should stay in contact with committees.  Proposal is a monthly phone meeting with committee chairs and LNC members.  Discussion: Harlos – making this a responsibility of the At-Larges is a good idea.  Question of who gets which committee.

Agenda item – filling committees.  Applications will be solicited.

Watkins called for Congressional War Powers resolution with respect to Yemen.  Letter will be forwarded to LNC members for their consideration.

Harlos trying to recover missing historical items, mostly buttons, that people may have thought were being given away.

There are issue related to New Mexico, Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates, and the Reconciliation Committee. Part in Executive Session expected.  Chair had interacted with several states not happy with the Chase-Ter Maat team.  Secretary withdrew from Reconciliation Committee over her Judicial Committee appeal.  There was extensive petitioning in New Mexico.

Executive session to discuss Reconciliation Committee, POTUS and VP campaigns, potential litigation over the validity of the national convention, political strategy regarding Alabama and New Hampshire.  The motion is to end the public part of the meeting for an hour and a half.  They will emerge from Executive Session in order to adjourn.



One Comment

  1. Robert Kraus Robert Kraus July 8, 2024

    They gave up a perfectly good chance to state their public unequivocal support for the Presidential Ticket. Sad.

    Also absent – any talk about an agreement with the Presidential Campaign for joint fundraising & data sharing, etc. Sad x 2.

    If you are ready to see the light after 2+ years please join us here:

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