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Opinion: Are Libertarians Having a Witch Trial in Michigan?

Last updated on July 12, 2024

Michigan – The Libertarian Party has a presidential nominee, and it’s time for states to nominate their other candidates. I had hoped the infighting would stop so we could be a unified movement for liberty in this presidential election year. Unfortunately, it continues. The latest controversy involves an impending attempt to remove a party officer for the crime of openly disagreeing with the controlling majority of the Libertarian Party of Michigan Executive Committee.

Readers who have been carefully following the tragic drama within the Libertarian Party of Michigan will have some sense of context regarding the following letter. However, even those readers will need some introduction. I strongly urge those unfamiliar with the situation in Michigan to use the search option on Third Party Watch and Independent Political Report to get some in-depth background on this matter.

A Brief Look Back

To summarize, this is the most recent development in a saga that has roots in the Reno Reset. In Michigan, a couple of resignations led to the second Vice Chair, Andrew Chadderdon, taking on the responsibilities of Chair until the vacancies were filled in July 2022 at a state convention. The Libertarian Party of Michigan has a standing Judicial Committee to decide disputes over the bylaws. For the prior 50 years of this affiliate’s history, the Judicial Committee (JC) was rarely called upon. Most years, it had no reason to meet at all. It was always taken for granted that conventions were the final word, and that the Judicial Committee could not reverse the will of the body.

Mr. Chadderdon successfully appealed the filling of vacancies, and the Judicial Committee overturned all officer elections held at that state convention. This led to a divide between those who accepted the Judicial Committee decision and those who didn’t believe three people should be able to override a state convention. Several relevant events happened in 2023, which I urge the reader to read about in other articles, but the most pertinent matters occurred this year. In March, Michigan held a National Delegate nominating convention where Michigan delegates nominated national delegates, and delegates from some congressional districts filled vacancies.

District Members Unable to Choose ‘Representatives’

The Chair refused to recognize two of the district representatives, though the bylaws state that they would assume office at the conclusion of the convention. The JC upheld the Chair’s ruling. This rendered the two seats vacant until the next convention (scheduled for July 20th). The bylaws permit the LEC to temporarily fill vacant seats, but the seats would be up for a vote at the next convention, assuming the vacancies occurred early enough for notice—which they had. However, the Chair decided that he would not allow the delegates to fill the vacancies at the upcoming election, and the JC upheld this decision too.

The same Judicial Committee also ruled that only the Chair and six of the 33 elected delegates and 25 alternates should be in Michigan’s national delegation. Several members took the matter to court, and the judge issued an order sustaining the will of the convention over the JC. Dana Carver was one of the plaintiffs.

Dana Carver.
Dana Carver.

At the June 9th LEC meeting, Ms. Carver expressed outrage over the matter of the district representatives and the Chair’s refusal to allow delegates to fill vacancies. There was a vote to censure her, which failed, but after Mr. Chadderdon filled the vacancies with appointees, the likelihood of having sufficient numbers to purge Ms. Carver became strong. In addition to decorum, some LEC members have vilified her for being part of the lawsuit that enfranchised the full Michigan delegation. When this letter was written the vote was to be on June 24th, at that meeting the Chair Chadderdon said it would need to be postponed to July 14th. Meeting information here.

In Her Own Words

This is Dana Carver’s response:

Dear fellow board members…

Before I get into the issues of the day, I would like to remind you guys who I am. I am an activist who has gone all over this state for protests, court support, county issues support and jury nullification. I have done local activism and won many battles in my county and nullified many local ordinances. In fact, we managed to end all planning and zoning in my township. I have written ballot initiative language and circulated many petitions. I have been on executive boards, including the LPM two times, and even had my own non profit for a while as part of my activism. I have run for office three times as a libertarian and actually broke some party records to boot. I am a co founder of the Straits Area Libertarians and have served on the board of our affiliate in many ways. I have been on multiple committees for this party as well.

That being said, I am also a human and a trauma victim. I am a biker as well. Those things put together make me very outspoken when I see corruption and wrongdoing. I am also overly truthful and do not mince words, and that bothers some. And yes, sometimes I do cuss, especially when I am angry at said corruption and wrongdoing. I do find it truly funny when adults who call themselves libertarians have such a hard time with dirty words and think they are a reason for censure. Especially, when it is proven that the person they censured is right about the particular issue you are censuring her for….but I digress. Those who were not in the Executive Session are probably lost now, but some will know exactly what I am talking about.

What I have seen during my time on this board has shocked and sickened me. I have seen a chair who manipulates and lies. I have seen a weaponizing of the bylaws and the sacred book of Roberts (as some of you see that book to be). I have seen that somehow two to three people on a JC can overturn the will of an entire convention body, more than once now.

I have seen the refusal to allow the districts to elect their own representation on this board. This is a huge issue. Many of you have forgotten who you are elected to serve and that is quite sad to see. Especially since members rights and notice were what supposedly started the entire split in this party.

I have seen a lack of accountability and a lack of any proper process, such as: notice of any committee or board appointments, agendas and packets before meetings, an actual budget and actual regular monthly treasurer reports, and so much more.

I have seen purges, punishments and disaffiliation, etc, but no effort at all to bring the party back together and grow it, from this board. Merely division and hate, lots of hate. I have been told I am a bad person for talking to the wrong people and sitting next to them in a courtroom. Yet those people are the ones who actually built this party you are destroying. It is sickening to see. Some of you hate people you have never even had a conversation with, merely because you were told to hate them. I have seen this with my own eyes and heard the testimony of others who have seen it as well.

I refuse to hate people I have worked with, even those I do not always agree with. Do you know why? Because I am a libertarian. I have known some of these people for over a decade. I have seen the hard work they have put into this party. For the record, I thank them for their service.

I have also had to endure much abuse since I have been on this board. I have been called a liar, a saboteur, deranged, etc. Andrew has had me censured for having a FB page that I allow people to speak freely on. I was also censured for being correct about a certain situation. Andrew also has already tried to remove me from this board with a vote of no confidence. Last time it was proven that I did not do what I was accused of. My only crime has been asking the chair to do the right thing and serve the members of this party properly. Only those who agree with him and kiss the ring of power are allowed to be on this board, don’cha know.

As to the current crimes I am being accused of:

The first one I am accused of, was being interruptive during the last meeting. According to the super sacred book of Roberts, I was doing it the proper way. Like it or not. What you should really be asking yourselves is why was I trying to stop what was happening? Because members rights and notice are supposed to be the most important thing. The delegates and members of this party chose their district reps during district caucus at the March convention. Andrew immediately refused to seat them the very next day, with no such power to do so. Then finally, in late May, the JC, gave their opinion. Lets not forget that they were not all in agreement with the atrocity committed, and I thank Andy Evans for doing the right thing. Even though he was ignored because of that hate I mentioned before.

Funny thing is, there was time to give notice to the members and delegates of these open board seats. These seats should be voted on at the July convention. I also find it interesting that one of those seats has been empty the entire time I have been on this board, which has been since last July.

Also, the proper thing to do would have been to give proper notice to the people in those districts that the board was appointing someone to represent them, so they could have a say in such. But again, who cares about members rights, right?

The second crime I am being accused of is suing the party. I have never in my life sued the Libertarian Party of Michigan. You will see no such lawsuit in any court of law in existence.

There is a case in my county against Andrew Chadderdon, Daniel Ziemba, Andrew Evans, Joshua Jongema and Conner Nepomuceno. It was originally filed by others and my name was not on it. My name did not get added until the JC decision to overturn the will of the delegates and alter the delegate list that was sent to the national credentialing committee. I was asked by members and delegates from my district as well as outside my district to add my name to the court filing.

I felt that it was my duty to help protect the rights of the members and the delegates who took the time to show up to the convention and vote for those people to represent them at the national convention. Their voices needed to be heard.

Apparently, the judge agreed with the plaintiffs enough to issue an injunction/temporary restraining order regarding the delegate list. The judge wrote that “the decision of the Judicial Committee of the Libertarian Party of Michigan, issued on or about May, 18, 2024, purporting to invalidate the election of 27 delegates to the 2024 Libertarian Party National Convention was rendered outside the proper authority of the Judicial Committee and was not based on any plausible reading of the bylaws of the Libertarian Party of Michigan.”

The really sad thing, is that if only those guys would have not felt the need to once again violate the rights of the members and delegates, there never would have been a case filed in the first place.

In closing, I would like to remind you guys of my request at the last meeting to change the date of this “hearing” until the 29th or later as I am on a spiritual retreat as you are making this decision. I asked to be given the opportunity to defend myself in person. Most of you chose to violate my right to celebrate the solstice in the way I wish or have no chance to defend myself. Would you have done this to one of your fellow christian members on Easter or Christmas? As my holidays are just as important and maybe more so, in my opinion, as I they have not fallen to the corporate hallmark holiday variety. I mean, we changed the May meeting to not interfere with Mothers day, and the February meeting for the Sports Ball Stupid Bowl…..I should not have even been forced to sit and write this statement on such a special time in my spirituality, or have this stressor on my mind this whole week.

As you make your decision, I will be in the woods, feasting and dancing and performing blessings for all, including you guys. I will be with people who care about liberty, and freedom and the rights of the individual. I will light a special candle in remembrance of the LPM as it was and seems to no longer be under this regime. I will ask for blessings upon the members so that there will be something left to save once this regime is over.

Summer Solstice Blessings to All, and So Mote it Be,

Dana Carver
District 1 Representative


  1. Scotty Boman Scotty Boman July 15, 2024

    Well I will answer my headline question with a “Yes.” Dana was removed with a 5 to 11 vote after a 3 hour executive session (AKA secret trial).

    • J. M. Jacobs J. M. Jacobs July 23, 2024

      Removals are usually held in executive session. RONR (63:2) says: “Consequently, a trial must always be held in executive session, as must the introduction and consideration of all resolutions leading up to the trial.”

      • Thomas L. Knapp Thomas L. Knapp July 24, 2024

        Is RONR consistent with the LPMI’s bylaws on that issue?

        I only ask because, for example, the LNC’s bylaws merely require a vote for removal, superseding any RONR rules requiring a “trial.”

        • J. M. Jacobs J. M. Jacobs July 27, 2024


  2. Walter Ziobro Walter Ziobro July 11, 2024

    In his book, The Great Roob Revolution, Roger Price defines two types of moral systems: right-wrong, and good-evil. In the right-wrong, system, there is common ground, and folks can agree to disagree. In the good-evil system, common ground is lacking, and folks view opponents as not merely mistaken, but positively evil.

    Over the years, I have seen the US, and all political parties in it, including the Libertarian, move from a right-wrong view of morality, to a good-evil one. Not sure how we can get out of it without some terrible resolution.

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