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LNC Meeting Liveblog 7/30/2024

The meeting starts at 8PM, give or take.

Meeting is in the process of starting. Only person absent is Mr. Watkins, whose absence for good reason was known in advance. Meeting came to order at 8:05.

There was a typed comment from Justin O’Donnell: “According to Anthony at Team Kennedy, Ellie Cox, the treasurer of the JFC, and Vermilion and Lowey, the accountants facilitating the custodian of records for the JFC, they all confirmed when asked that the allocation of the JFC has the LNC receiving the bulk of the money, and that the LNC would be directly spending 90% of the money in support of the Kennedy Campaign. Is the Chair willing to confirm or deny this assertion that the LNC will be directly campaigning for an opposing candidate, or will she be willing to release the contract publicly that even LNC members were not allowed to read before being told to vote to reaffirm?”

There was discussion: Keith Thompson 8:10 PM
Would anyone care to actually answer Justin’s question?

Justin O’Donnell 8:11 PM
You know they don’t want to answer my questions, oddly, the FEC and the Kennedy Campaign have been far more forthcoming to my requests for information

Chair asks Regional Representatives to contact states and get list of candidates, office sought, and contact information. Chair reports that candidate support committee dissolved after the convention. Chair asks for LNC volunteer to help with Voter Gravity. There was eventually a volunteer. Candidates who want to be listed and supported have to pay a fee. Some state chairs wanted to delay letting candidates join.

There are candidate classes. There is a downloadable web site template. The LNC will be filling its committees at their August meeting. There is a link to volunteer, which J Jacobs was kind enough to post: Candidate Support Committee:
Affiliate Support Committee:

They are discussing rules of order on special rules of order for email ballots. Secretary Harlos is explaining why certain proposals are out of order. The motions are Mr. Watkins, who is absent. Concern is expressed that the amendment will discourage minority factions from offering motions. Secretary moves to postpone discussion to the August 23rd meeting. There was objection, so they go to a roll call. Motion was defeated 6-9. The disagreement was largely factional.

They are discussing dividing the email motion into parts. There was a call for division, which turns this topic into five motions. The motion is from Mr. Watkins, who is absent with a broken wrist.

Motion 1: would limit the LNC to consider one email motion at a time. Harlos proposes that the motion is out of order, because members can propose more than one motion at the same time. If a motion has support of 1/5 of the members, it is made, even if several motions are made the same day.

Harlos explains the bylaw in question to the chair. She also notes that the issue almost never comes up. Chadderdon notes that the limitation could be used maliciously. Chair rules the motion is in order. Harlos appeals the ruling of the chair. Darr seconds. There are 62 people in the meeting. Harlos: You can’t restrict member rights. This is not a real issue. There was no objection to calling the question. They vote on the ruling of the chair. Overturn the ruling – Darr, Harlos, Redpath, Rutherford. Nanna abstains. Others vote Yes, the chair not voting. Ruling of the Chair is upheld; the motion is in order.

Discussion: Vinson moves to call the question. Harlos objects. We go to a vote. No -Darr, Harlos, Nanna, Redpath, Rutherford, Motion passes 10-5 to end debate, exactly 2/3 being obtained.

Vote the LNC and teh ExComm can only vote on one email motion at a time. : There were a series of people changing their votes from No to Yes. No (I think) -Bost, Darr, Harlos, Nanna, Nekhaila, Redpath, Rutherford. Vote was 8-7 but 2/3 was needed. Motion was defeated.

Motion to extend time on this item failed for lack of a second.

Next issue: Discussion. Harlos. Want agreement that every state chair and secretary of state be sent the certificates of nomination. Asks chair if Montana and Wyoming SoS have been sent certificates. Chair says we do not send to some states because they have a different form. Chair refuses because she might be sued. Harlos: Our delegates nominated and we should send.

Malagon says California Secretary of State has not received a form from LNC. Chair claims that every state chair has been sent the document. Mr. Dassing moves to shut down discussion though there is time on the agenda. Chair rules that the motion to shut down discussion is in order. Harlos: in 2020 I sent the document to every Secretary of State.

Chair discusses etiquette. Chair asks people to be polite to each other. Speaker says debate and voting should be on separate threads. Ford: There should be separate discussion and vote threads. There is extended discussion on how to have the vote and discussion statements displayed. There was debate as to whether the LNC should do all business except for votes on a secret list.

Next agenda item: Condemn Colorado for endorsing RFK and trying to put him on the ballot. McGee objected to consideration before the motion had been made. Someone tried to second. McGee’s objection was seconded by Mr Haman.

We go to a vote on consideration of the question. If it passes the motion is considered Consider: -Darr, Harlos, Nanna, Nekhaila, Redpath, Rutherford. Vote totals were to consider 7 and 8 against.

Harlos speaks in favor of the resolution. If we can’t pass this, we should have the courage to remove the nominees. Speaker: We have a fiduciary duty to support the nominee. This is the least we can do. Many speakers, mostly saying this is the least we can do. Question called without objection.

Vote. Yes: Darr, Ford, Harlos, Nanna, Nekhaila, Redpath, Rutherford. Vote is 7 yes, 8 no. Motion fails. LNC refuses to condemn Colorado for its deeds.

Meeting adjourns.

The Executive Committee meeting Liveblog has been moved to its own post. There was slight editing.


  1. Walter Ziobro Walter Ziobro July 31, 2024

    Is this the worst LNC that the party has ever had?

    • Steve M Steve M July 31, 2024

      Worst durring a Presidential election year. I think the LNC elected in 2020 was worse.

  2. Jim Jim July 30, 2024

    “Chair refuses because she might be sued.”

    Sued for what and by whom?

  3. Gary Gary July 30, 2024

    I hope the Judicial Committee directly asks the Chair to answer Mr. O’Donnell’s question during the hearing. Anything other than a direct denial should be considered an affirmation, and the JFC should consequently be voided for violation of Article 14, Section 4.

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