The decision runs 14 pages, including the dissent.
Opinion by Blay Tarnoff, with which Stephan Kinsella, Rob Latham, Rob Stratton and Ken Krawchuck join.
There being insufficient evidence of a violation of the Bylaws, the decision by the LNC to enter into the agreement in question is upheld.
Dissent of Michael Seebeck, Joined by Marc Montoni
0. In the case of Harlos v. LNC, I dissent.
In related news, with a vote of 10-3-1, Chadderdon’s Michigan board has voted to join the Kennedy Joint Fundraising Committee.
Hat tip to Angela Canny for calling this to our attention.
The more I read it, I get more infuriated at their incompetence I get.
There was no reasoning from the majority and they should all resign in disgrace. I daresay their state parties should censure them for dereliction of duties.
Well-written and well-reasoned opinion by Seebeck and Montoni.