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McArdle Proposes Contract with Strategists, Inc.

Angela McArdle has moved that the ExComm approve a contract with Strategists, Inc. for board training.  She wrote:

Last term we considered doing boardroom training and then decided not to. I think that was a mistake and I’d like us to do a training at the August meeting. Steven Nekhaila referred us to Debbie Maison, who gave me an excellent overview of the training. I was waiting until after the JC decision to make sure we had enough cash to do it. The contract has been distributed off list and needs a vote of the ExCom. It covers strategic plan, decision making and a variety of other boardroom skills we need.
I move that we approve the contract with Strategists, Inc.



  1. George Phillies George Phillies Post author | August 16, 2024

    I have confirmed that the price is in the contract but is also confidential. We will find out from the FEC reports what was paid.

  2. Sean O Sean O August 13, 2024

    A year ago, there wasn’t 5k available for the Molton Maneuver.

    A month ago, the convention, which was supposed to save the sinking financial ship, barely broke even.

    A week ago, the Chair defended the bylaw violating betrayal of actual Libertarian candidates in exchange for money by pointing out that they were two months from insolvency.

    Now, because there’s a limited term unquantified windfall coming in (that might not have to be returned to the donors depending on how some unelected federal bureaucrats interpret things) it’s time to burn LNC funds on extraneous bunkum.

    I did not expect the LNC to be worse at handling a budget of other people’s money than the US Congress, but here we are.

    • Walter Ziobro Walter Ziobro August 14, 2024

      It does seem kind of strange that Chairman Angela feels the need to spend money training members of the LNC in “professionalism”, especially an organization that she largely controls already.

      How much money is the LNC spending on candidate training?

  3. Walter Ziobro Walter Ziobro August 12, 2024

    Angela could save the party money, and just make like Chairman Mao an issue a list of “10 No’s”

    • Porcus Agricola Porcus Agricola August 13, 2024

      Speaking of Mao, are any of the Marxist miniparties in the US Maoist? If so, which one(s)?

      • NewFederalist NewFederalist August 13, 2024

        Progressive Labor Party and Revolutionary Communist Party.

  4. Damian Damian August 11, 2024

    I am sure Adrian Malagon’s outbursts are on the agenda. No of course not. I really wished he knew how much she hates him at least according to some meesus snitches.

  5. ATBAFT ATBAFT August 11, 2024

    Maybe delegates should vote for LNC members who already have demonstrated such skills?

  6. Robert Kraus Robert Kraus August 11, 2024

    Too little too late. Not sure why they’re voting unless this is excessively priced (in which case the full LNC should vote on this). Some may recall past LNC’s had various consultants to help with strategic planning, team building & board fundraising among other things. If there was a lot to be covered – then it was done on the Fri before the meeting – otherwise during an extended lunch. A better strategy might be to cover one issue/subject each lunch over several LNC meetings. I suspect this will be both a waste of time & funds.

    • Damian Damian August 11, 2024

      It’s obedient puppy training.

  7. Dr. Chuck Moulton Dr. Chuck Moulton August 11, 2024

    This should be a LNC vote, not an executive committee vote. And the vote should be “no” because it is a huge waste of money.

    • Damian Damian August 11, 2024


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