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LNC Debts Now Approach $400,000

LNC finances are a bit complicated these days, so I will be reporting on them in pieces. I’ll start with LNC debts.

The LNC is now in debt for almost $390,000. That number includes $296.384 in debts from last month, and $96,132 in new debts from this month.

The new debts have several interesting features.

There is a debt to Perly, 111 East Grace Street, Richmond. “Perly’s is a modern, Jewish influenced delicatessen offering Jewish classics with an updated twist.” The debt is for $40,702.

The LNC owes Digital Sound of No Address Given $14,000 for audio-visual services.

There are debts to two consultants, James Tracey and Daniel Rachlitz. The debts are for $5000 and $12,500. The peculiarity is that both consultants have reproted as their address 1444 Duke Street, Alexandria, which happens to be the old LNC Headquarters building, now reported to be closed. We are advised that the $5000 to Jame Tracey was for ballot access petitioning in Kentucky, for which all good libertarians may be grateful.

There is a debt of $10,000 to the great shining star of the Mises Caucus, Michael Heise. He is said to have performed political consulting.

The LNC owes American Liberty Consulting of Cheyenne, Wyoming $5525 for Political Consulting and Freedom Calls of Wilmington, Delaware $4000 for Telemarketing.

David Aiken, who was owed $1971 for CRM consulting last month, is owed an additional $1435 for CRM consulting for this month.

The old debts are a bit larger. We still owe the National Convention hotel $290,000, and apparently still owe our counsel $4800.


  1. Sean O Fager Sean O Fager September 23, 2024

    A mystery charge of $40k to a deli is interesting – I’m sure if it was the pre-Mises LNC or the DNC then there would be pizzagate related suggestions – but I’m more confused by the Heise payment.

    Angela thinks the MC (and LNC leadership by extension) has Founders Syndrome, and that Heise is personally disenfranchising her. (See the Angela Papers leak)

    Heise “retired from politics”. After cutting himself consultation fees (for consulting himself) at seemingly random intervals for variable (but ridiculous) amounts, draining the Mises PAC coffers into his personal bank account. (See FEC filings for Mises PAC expenditures 2022 to present)

    Angela defends the victory fund / sabotaging Chase on the grounds of how desperately low on funds the LP is. (See related Public Google Group posts)

    So now… Heise gets five figure payments out of the LP’s in-the-red account for superceding the Chair and telling his team what they should do?

    Can anyone comment on his recent presentation to the Board? For some reason CAH’s 1.3Gb Word document that notionally contains it doesn’t open properly on my computer. (Probably has something to do with being larger than my entire OS)

  2. Robert Kraus Robert Kraus September 22, 2024

    $40.7K is not chopped liver & certainly not Gefilte Fish and Matzo Balls! Others have implied this was for the non-existent gala at Natcom – but the Hilton doesn’t allow outside catering. Now I may not know what it truly was – but I do recall funneling unauthorized or illegal expenses thru a restaurant is something the mob is known for…… So the question is what were they washing?

    If you’re a current for former donor of the bankrupt LP – and are sick of seeing your money being flushed down the toilet – please check out:

  3. Damian Damian September 21, 2024

    Can they even encumber any money for that lawsuit defense? The policy guide says it has to fit in current budget.

  4. Sylvia Arrowwood Sylvia Arrowwood September 21, 2024

    $40,700 that’s a lot of Gefilte Fish and Matzo Balls!

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