Adrian Malagon was elected Chair ad interim. In your Editor’s opinion, he did a thoroughly professional job of running of what could have been a tendentious meeting.
Steve Nekhaila beat Michael Heise, 9-6, and was elected Chair.
Paul Darr and Andrew Watkins were nominated for Vice Chair. Watkins read the room and withdrew. Darr was elected Vice Chair.
A new Audit Committee was elected. A new Special Committee of seven members was elected to investigate recent financial issues and make recommendations. There was some back and forth to say that there were public allegations of embezzlement, not that there had been embezzlement.
Several LNC members said that the Kennedy Victory Fund income was soon to end.
To this reporter’s ear, Heise had the critical difficulty that he is not independently wealthy, he would be leaving his job to be a full-time Chair, he would depend on not-named persons to give him an income during the period, and he refused to say who those persons were. That to my ear cost him three votes.
Region 1 allegedly tried to remove its Regional Representative. So far as I could tell, they did not communicate either with the National Secretary, Ms. Harlos, or with the Chair ad interim, Mr. Malagon, to advance their claim.
Thank you for the summary. I’m sure everyone else appreciates it as well.
Yes, you have to be able to afford the time and cost associated with being on the LNC. I was on for six years, and I believe I averaged about $12K/year in hard travel expenses, as well as more than 40,000 miles on my car. Time is impossible to report exactly, but certainly no less than an average of 20-30 hours per week.
That was from 2006 to 2012, so double the travel numbers. And I am certain that the position of national chair equires 50% to 100% more time than that of a regional representative.
For those of us keeping score at home… just what does all this mean? Is the Mises Caucus still in solid control or are other viewpoints now in evidence?
Small changes. Darr and Thompson are now both voting members. Mises McArdle is replaced by less-Mises but much more competent Nekhaila. There is a motion from the chair to make Malagon an At-Large.
The term is chair pro tem, and it would not last beyond the meeting.
“Chair ad interim,” does not exist.
I am reasonably sure I heard ‘Chair ad interim’ being announced.
Technically both are correct, but chair ad interim is technically more accurate. And Mr Jacobs if you are suggesting the term chair ad interim does not exist you are incorrect.
Chair Pro Tenpore: An acting chair when the Chair and Vice chair are indisposed or unavailable.
Chair Ad Interim: A Chair selected to run a meeting where a new permenant Chair or Vice Chair is selected.
Yes George nothing was received by me in writing on Mr. Garcia, and nothing still has. In any event, it would have made no difference in votes. Likewise with the questionable status of Mr. Lam though any questions in that regard will be resolved by Tuesday. The issue is that the Region One agreement (which I authored) requires only email votes, and they must be open for a minimum of three days. Three days for the Garcia removal ballot ended midnight last night. All crucial votes done by even the earliest time zone in Region 1, but the custom of Party is to use Pacific time, but it would not matter here. Region 1 conventions are coming up, and they may wish to hold off on any replacement until after then as the makeup may change. Of course that is up to them. I have heard some complaints about the regional reps not communicating with the regional chairs and that is something I would limited knowledge of. I can say that from hearing from others in region 1, that chain is supposed to go all the way down to the members, and members says the state chairs were not communicating or asking them, so that goes both ways.