Naturally, the LNC calls the duck something else, but it walks and quacks like a duck. The resolution reads: ________________________________________________ Resolution Urging the United States Congress and the Incoming Trump Administration to Halt Military Involvement in Ukraine to Prevent Nuclear Escalation Whereas, the single greatest threat to the survival of humanity is nuclear Armageddon, and current U.S. foreign policy dangerously…
Third Party Watch
This is the first step in a process that could remove McArdle Travis L. Bost: I move that this Board adopt the following resolution: Resolved, that a committee comprised of Meredith Hays, Paul Darr, Bill Redpath, Andrew Chadderdon, and Steven Nekhaila be appointed by the Libertarian National Committee to investigate allegations of misconduct by our Chair, Angela McArdle, which, if…
McGee withdrew before voting completed. The motion is due to Steven Nekhaila and was cosponsored by LNC Members Meredith Hays, Otto Dassing, and Travis L. Bost. Motion: Whereas the position of Vice Chair on the Libertarian National Committee is currently vacant; Whereas Jonathon McGee has demonstrated exceptional leadership, organizational competence, and unwavering dedication to the values and principles of the…
LNC Region 6 Regional Alternate Ben Weir has resigned from the LNC. Weir cited as reasons “…the trajectory of this body under the unilateral direction of the current Chair...” and the fact that “… I recently became a father…” LNC Region 6 is New England, New York, and New Jersey. Weir wrote: Members of the Libertarian National Committee, I am…
From: Mac <> Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 7:36 PM To: Entire LNC <> Subject: Freedom Calls Members of the LNC, The Arizona Libertarian Party calls for Angela McArdle to be formally investigated to determine her involvement with Freedom Calls LLC, and her apparent failure to disclose a conflict of interest as required by LNC policy before a contract is…
Todd Hagopian, former Treasurer of the Libertarian National Committee, has call for the removal of Angela McArdle as National Chair. Writing on, and referring to the recent revelations about payments to a firm organized as an LLC by the National Chair’s boyfriend, Hagopian said Profit/Minute Guy @ToddHagopian I am calling on the LNC to remove the Chair. This behavior…
Our sources on the LNC tell us the LNC Treasurer William Redpath has taken note of Jake Porter’s analysis of LNC and Kennedy Victory Fund spending, especially transfers to shell corporations founded by the National Chair’s boyfriend. We quote the message from Redpath as received by us from sources on the LNC: Bill Redpath To: LNC Board Is there anything…
Jake Porter of has revealed that in 2024 the LNC paid over $45,000 to a shell corporation belonging to Austin Padgett. Austin Padgett is reportedly McArdle’s boyfriend and allegedly the father of her son. We summarize here his findings. There is a record of direct and indirect financial transfers from the LNC, all seemingly to Austin Padgett. From August…
Resolution of the Libertarian Party of New York Condemning Actions Contrary to the Principles and Growth of the Libertarian Party And Calling for Immediate Corrective Action WHEREAS The Libertarian National Committee (LNC) has a duty, as stated in its bylaws, to nominate candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States and to support those nominees along with other Party…
Angela McArdle writes us: Hello everyone, I am giving notice of a special LNC meeting on January 26, 2025 at 7:00pm est via Zoom to consider disciplinary action against the Secretary, Caryn Ann Harlos, and any related motions. What can we here at Third Party Watch say…? Launching an appeal of an action before it is taken would be a…