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Third Party Watch

Angela McArdle Under Fire from Tuniewicz

Commentary from Nick Sarwark Tim Murphy from Mother Jones did a long-form article on “The Spectacular Implosion of the Libertarian Party,” in which a 2017 Twitter post of mine was quoted. In the aftermath of the rally, the LP’s executive director said there was “no room for racists and bigots in the Libertarian Party.” Nicholas Sarwark, the party’s chairman…

Editorial: What the LNC Needs

An Editorial by Paul Hugenberg In the private professional world, a significant amount of time is dedicated to understanding the personal characteristics and capabilities needed for roles with authority and leadership expectations. Even more time and treasure is spent coaching and training leaders to see gaps (with each other as well as with basic skills). The value of proper leadership…

Massachusetts LP State Chair Resigns

Charles Larkin, State Chair of the United Libertarians of Massachusetts (ULMA), has resigned.  He also resigned from the ULMA Delegation to the National Convention.  ULMA is the Massachusetts Libertarian Faction recognized by the LNC as their affiliate.  His resignation letter follows. He also has sent an addendum. ———————————————————– April 13, 2024 To the State Executive Committee and members of ULMA,Effective…

The First 100 Days

by Nicholas Sarwark What an incoming Libertarian National Committee needs to do to put the Libertarian Party back on the road to success. Since the 2022 Libertarian National Convention, the Libertarian Party has been shedding donors, members, voters, and candidates. If good leaders are elected at the 2024 convention in Washington, D.C. over Memorial Day weekend, they will need to…

Liberty for America

We have launched a long-term project to collect and make available Libertarian news magazines that elsewise are not readily available.  Don’t expect us to finish in the near future. As our first step, we have collected almost all issues of Liberty for America magazine, a monthly publication that covered news events in the libertarian political movement that occurred between 2008…

Apologies for the Absence

We had had our URL and nameserver registration with Google.  Recently, Google transferred those activities to another company, which apparently did an automated transfer of our registration to their machines.  For unclear reasons, the other company reset the nameserver list  — the datum that tells your computer where to look on the internet for our web site — to their…

LNC Meeting, April 7, 2024 Now with Ending

Monday AM: I made an editing pass, mostly for spelling and grammar issues. I also obtained the discussion after the Executive Session, which did not do anything.  (Added at end). Meeting is starting.  68 people are present. Meeting came to order at 4:07 PM Eastern.  They are preparing to livestream. They are taking attendance. Two regional alternates, Hall and Redpath,…

A Short Primer on Borrowing Money to Fix a Political Party

An Analysis by Nicholas Sarwark Libertarian Party Reconstruction — The Libertarian National Committee is considering a $250K line of credit secured by the national headquarters to avoid insolvency before convention. There are some differences between 2022 and 2024. Dear Friends, It’s fifty-two days until the opening gavel of the 2024 Libertarian National Convention, and even though we sent out a…

Fundraising by Libertarian Presidential Candidates

Mapstead and ter Maat lead. These numbers are from the FEC, the most recent report deadline being late March covering spending through February. As may be seen, the candidates fall into three groups by amount of money raised. There are apparently other candidates who have not yet raised any money. Lars Mapstead $538,703.62 Michael ter Maat $206,416.71 Chase Oliver $68,284.05…

LPUS Membership Holds Steady

LNC Director of Operations Hannah Kennedy has reported LPUS membership as of the end of the month. In September, 2023, LPUS Sustaining Membership was 12,317. It is now 12,358, and increase of 41. In intervening months, membership has been as low as 12,326, with a one-month spike up to 12,747. Life memberships have increased over the same period, from 3,248…