Now confirmed by the National Chair. The leaders are the Chair and the Vice Chair. Third Party Watch has learned from a highly reliable source that the LNC leadership intends to move everything in the LNC offices to the basement and rent out the building’s top two floors. The Alexandria staff will apparently not be continued. We are advised that…
Posts published in January 2024
Naturally, the phrasing is slightly different, but that’s the effect. The draft bylaw, not yet approved by a national convention, reads in part In the event of a dispute within the membership of an affiliate as to the proper identity of its Chair, the Libertarian National Committee, upon a petition of at least ten or 10% of the sustaining members…
We quote from the proposed Bylaws Amendments (The changes are italicized.) A. The Platform Committee must approve each platform plank proposal separately. [Replace “Four” with “Six”] or more members of the Platform Committee may join together to issue a minority report regarding any proposal reported to the floor of the convention. [Add: No person may join in more than one…
The Anti-Ukraine ‘Rage Against the War’ demonstration being organized by LNC Chair Angela McArdle has been ‘postponed’. Its fundraising generated under $10,000 of the estimated $100,000 needed. And announcement on Twitter read “After much consideration, we have decided to postpone our Defeat The Deep State event. We want to put on the best possible event for everyone. We need this…
IPR is under a Directed Denial of Service Attack. It comes and goes. It is being defeated. I have heard from someone I think is a real, famous user, who can’t get in to IPR. He says he is blocked. He says he no longer uses email, using a message submitted here. He asked for a text response. He doesn’t…
We hear from Josh Eakle: We’re hosting our first public forum to answer your questions about Project Liberal and outline our roadmap for the next year. Read the post at Join us on Saturday, January 27th at 3:00PM CST / 4:00PM EST in the public-stage in Discord Josh says that he looks forward with chatting with you! RSVP here:…
The national Libertarian Party’s Bylaws Committee is reporting out a proposal to increase national party annual dues from $25 to $50. The rationale is that dues were last fixed in 2006 at $25/year, and since then there has been much inflation. As is not noted in the motion, if prices have gone up, then contrariwise member services provided by the…
The LNC Bylaws Committee is working on a proposal to eliminate Regional Representatives. The LNC is currently composed of four Officers, five At-Large Members, and eight or nine Regional Representatives. As is well known, the only resistance to the Mises management of the LNC comes from a few Regional Representatives. The Mises solution: Get rid of the Regional Representatives. Replace…
The LNC announced that it retained Nathan Fatal as their new Political Director. Fatal had been Director of Community Organizing at the Leadership Institute. He has reportedly trained over 10,000 activists around the world and has overseen hundreds of volunteers and political campaign staff members in the United States. The Leadership Institute was founded in 1979 by Morton Blackwell to…
On Political Parties What are they good for, what makes them good, and why half of Americans reject them. Nicholas Sarwark Dear Friends, Last Wednesday morning, I drove over to St. Anselm’s College to appear on MSNBC’s Morning Joe to discuss the 2024 Presidential election, the possibilities for a Libertarian Presidential candidate, and the New Hampshire Republican primary race. If…