Third Party Watch provides commentary and analysis on America’s third parties, including the Libertarian, Green, and Constitution Parties, as well as related groups like the Democratic Socialists of America, independent candidates, and similar organizations. We require all commenters to follow our guidelines to maintain a welcoming and engaging community for conversation.
- Remain Civil and Respectful
We believe in fostering healthy awareness and mature discussions about third parties and their candidates. To achieve this, we require all commenters to maintain civility, avoid abusive language, refrain from name-calling, and refrain from advocating illegal activities. Robust discussion is encouraged, but disrespectful behavior is not allowed.
- Refrain From Solicitation
Spam posts and off-topic sales efforts are not allowed. Candidate advocacy and political group promotion, including fundraising and volunteer calls, are permitted in comments on the open thread
- Sharing 3PW Content
Third Party Watch believes in the philosophy of “Copyleft,” and encourage readers to share our content far and wide with appropriate credit back to Third Party Watch. Readers are free to contact our team for more information.
- Administrative Action and Consequences
Violations of these guidelines will result in appropriate actions. Verbal attacks on the owner or administrative staff will lead to revoked posting privileges. Repeated violations may result in further corrective measures, including comment restrictions. We reserve the right to remove or reject comments at our discretion.
- Responding to Copyright Concerns
Third Party Watch complies with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) for addressing copyright infringement allegations. The DMC provides a process for a copyright owner to give notification to an online service provider concerning alleged copyright infringement. When a valid DMCA notification is received, we will promptly take down the offending content. Contact our team for more information.