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Posts published in September 2024

Editorial: Electing a Better LNC in 2026

Recently, there has been interest in electing a better Libertarian National Committee in 2026. However, interest does not translate to plan. Here I offer a few general suggestions on what sort of arrangement might yield the desired result.   First, the current group got in successfully because it had an extremely large and well-organized caucus behind it. Indeed, as I…

LNC Public List Quieting?

We are presented with rumors that the LNC secret leadership group is contemplating limiting the LNC public list to actual votes and meeting announcements, with all discussion behind closed doors.  Readers may choose to disbelieve this. We have been here before, several times with past LNCs.  Third Party Watch will be delighted to receive and report, entirely anonymously, whatever is…

Sean Vadey Appeals LP Colorado Endorsement of Republican

LP-Colorado has endorsed a Republican candidate for office.  LP-Colorado Member Sean Vadey has filed an appeal of the action with the LP-Colorado Judicial Committee.  It may be seen as a PDF here.

Republicans Are a Third Party in Massachusetts

Just under 419,000 registered voters enrolled as Republicans, out of more than five million registered voters, for 8.29% of the electorate. There is a local variation, from 10.68% in Plymouth County (Cape Cod) down to 4.33 % inSuffolk County (Boston) Massachusetts has a September primary for all candidates other than President. The Republicans had three candidates in the Primary for…

D’Orazio Files Appeal with LP Judicial Committee

Tony D’Orazio has filed his appeal with the LNC Judicial Committee.  It generated well over the required number of signatures in under one day. The full appeal is available as a PDF file from Third Party Watch. The appeal is related to the Joint Fundraising Committee linking the LNC and the Kennedy Presidential campaign. The appeal asks: we implore the…

National Party Membership Continues Fall (Revised)

Newer and better data, courtesy of reader Jim July 2023 should be 13,620. August was 12,728. The October 2023 report dropped the August number and got everything from August earlier was screwed up on all subsequent reports until those months rolled off. Also, January 2024 was 12, 326. Going as far back as they have published data: 2021 20,005 Apr…

D’Orazio Launches New Appeal Against Joint Fundraiser

Tony D’Orazio has launched a new appeal to the Judicial Committee against the Joint Fundraising Agreement. The appeal is based on a new issue, namely that the agreement is now being used as part of an explicit endorsement of a major party candidate, Donald Trump, in violation of Party Bylaws, Article 14. You can sign the appeal at We…

Hagopian: Allow Rescission or Remove Chair

Todd Hagopian writes: If the LNC Chair is not going to allow votes on legitimate motions, removal is really the only option I have never voted for a censure, or a removal, on any board – but, this is a clear dereliction of duty. Allow the vote. Or, it is time for that motion to be brought forward

Kennedy JFC Now Raises for Trump

As revealed on the LNC Public list, and we quote: From: Keith Thompson <keith.t…> Sent: Friday, September 6, 2024 1:29:09 AM (UTC+00:00) Monrovia, Reykjavik To: LNC Business <lnc-bu…> Subject: JFC now a passthrough for the Trump campaign Good evening, The Kennedy campaign sent a fundraising email this evening asking people to donate to the JFC in order to support President…