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Posts published in May 2024

Where Your Money Went — LNC April 2024

We support candidates and the party: Convention expenses — $50844, notably $50,000 to Audio Visiual Group of Deland Florida Affiliate Support (Kentucky) $5000 (ballot access) Twitter Ads — $490 Payments to Affiliates (Alaska, California, New Mexico) — $187.67 Outreach & Activism Expense — Twitter — $8 Candidate Support — Voter Gravity — $3000 CRM Consulting — $1950 to Cornerstone Solutions…

Michael Heise, Jonathan Casey Withdraw

Mises Caucus founder Michael Heise announced today that he is withdrawing from politics. He cites family finances and personal reasons, his love for his wife and child and his need to maintain a full-time job. He departs as the Mises Caucus had remarkable success at the Libertarian Party National convention, electing most members of the Libertarian National Committee and coming…

Mises Caucus Wins LNC

Courtesy of our ace reporter Dr. Joe Buchman, we have been sent a graphic showing the success of the Mises Caucus at the 2024 Libertarian National Convention.  The green checks indicate those of their candidates who won.   Of 22 candidates, they elected 19.  They missed on two officers, an LNC member, and seem to have missed Region 3.  If their…

Chase Oliver/Mike Ter Maat are the Libertarian Presidential Team

On the 7th ballot, Chase Oliver won.  He is giving a victory speech. There are now five nominees for Vice President.  Mike Ter Maat and Clint Russell appear to be the most notable.  Mike Ter Maat was elected as the Vice Presidential Candidate.  The final vote. as given on Independent Political Report, was Mike ter Maat: 371 votes – 51.31%…

Michigan Delegation Rejects Region 1 Formation

Third Party Watch asked Emily Salvette, William Hall, and Mike Saliba for comments: Emily Salvette responded: Our comments: National bylaws are clear that every delegate at national convention should have a vote on regional representation and MI Chair Andrew Chadderdon secretly worked with other chairs to form the region, select representation and appoint himself LNC alternate. I’ll forward emails from…

LP National Convention Day Three

They came to order.  A motion to add two delegates from Missouri was defeated. Motion to shorten Presidential nominations to five minutes was defeated. Motion to require Presidential nominations be germane (Mr. Starr made the motion) was defeated We are advancing to nominations.  Nominees are Michael ter Maat, Michael Rectenwald, Chase Oliver, Lars Mapstead, Jacob Hornberger, Donald Trump (not a…

Dispatch from the LP National Convention

from Nicholas Sarwark Angela McArdle has invited violence and Trump into the Libertarian Party in violation of the law and the rules. Libertarians are angry… Dear Friends, This dispatch will be brief. For the first time in 24 years, I am not a delegate to the Libertarian Party convention, so instead of arguing over the illegal Credentials Committee report on…

Region 1 Formation Disputed

From Independent Political Report: Michigan Libertarians Dispute LNC Region Formation Agreement at Libertarian Party Convention By Jordan Willow Evans on May 25, 2024 12:37 PM Delegates with the Libertarian Party of Michigan are disputing a recent regional agreement that adds the party to Region 1 of the Libertarian National Committee, claiming the party chair was not authorized to sign such…

McArdle Wins

McArdle 497  (up from 454) Rutherford 414 (up from 299) NOTA – 15 1 write-in each for Toby Knight-Meigs, Tim Krenz, Rony D’Orazzio, and Ken Moellman

LP Chair Contest

Round 1 With a tip of the hat to Susan Barney on YouTube, who sent the votes she could see, I have McArdle 454 Rutherford 299 Other 161 The other three candidates conceded. And thanks to Carter Cole for the FaceBook screenShot! Besada — 5 McArdle — 454 Moellman — 100 Nekhaila — 54 Rutherford — 299 WriteIns — Saliba,…