Last updated on May 27, 2024
They came to order. A motion to add two delegates from Missouri was defeated.
Motion to shorten Presidential nominations to five minutes was defeated.
Motion to require Presidential nominations be germane (Mr. Starr made the motion) was defeated
We are advancing to nominations. Nominees are Michael ter Maat, Michael Rectenwald, Chase Oliver, Lars Mapstead, Jacob Hornberger, Donald Trump (not a member, not qualified, did not turn in any papers), Charles Ballay, Joshua Smith, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (basic sustaining member, turned in nominating papers, accepted the nomination), Art Olivier, NOTA, Toad. Nominations closed without objection.
Objection to consideration of the Kennedy nomination was not well taken.
There are nominating speeches. The nominating speeches continue. And continue. And continue. It is modestly notable that the antiabortion nominator was treated entirely politely by the audience. Nominations continue. And continue. Finally they retire for lunch. They return on time.
Everett moves to require delegation chairs to allow delegates to view ballot counting. He reports that some chairs are not doing this. Motion fails.
Short Nominating speech for NOTA.
More nominations. Rectenwald opens with the Declaration of Independence. I think this is the first time in many decades that I have seen someone reach the important part of the Declaration, the part that enumerates the causes, and replaces the causes against George 3 with causes against the modern governments.
Another nomination. We reach Presidential balloting. Theya re counting.
Hat tip to Darryl Perry, promoted from comments:
The Vice Chair nominations open; here are the nominees (in order of nomination):
Hannah Goodman
Mark Rutherford
Joshua Hlavka
Nominations closed, as always NOTA is a candidate.
Motion to limit speeches to 2 minutes passed.
Presidential election first round, full totals courtesy IPR
They will be balloting on Round 2. There will then be a speech from Ron Paul and a memorial video.
The Chair invited all under-ten-year-old attendees to come to the front and sit on the floor to watch Ron Paul’s speech.. Her invitation was being accepted. She ensured that her own infant was brought to the front.
We advance to Ron Paul’s speech. He is loudly cheered. Paul still talking. Paul finally finished.
We are told that the issue with the ‘allow vote count witnessing’ was that the California Chair was not allowing his count to be witnessed.
Caryn Ann Harlos proposes a scheme to get all elections for officers under way at the more or less the same time.
President Round 2
Mapstead 123
Oliver 219
Rectenwald 293
Ter Maat 162
Nominations for Secretary and Treasurer under way. They are arranging the speech order. They got to nomination speeches.
Bill Redpath
Alison Spink
Patrick Mitchell
Caryn Ann Harlos
Mimi Robson
Shawn Levasseur
Vice Chair
Hannah Goodman
Josh Hlavka
Mark Rutherford
They finished a count.
Rutherford elected National Vice Chair.
Caryn Ann Harlos elected National Secretary.
Bill Redpath elected National Treasurer.
One might propose that at least one of the Presidential candidates, beyond the next to go, might reasonably withdraw. But it will not happen.
President Round Interminable
Mapstead 139 (+16)
Oliver 231 (+12)
Rectenwald 335 (+42)
ter Maat 175 (+13)
Chase Oliver: 286 (32.87%)
Rectenwald: 334 (38.39%)
Ter Maat: 225 (25.86%) ELIMINATED
NOTA: 22 (2.53%)
Trump: 1
Joe Montana: 1
RFK: 1
Ballot #5
Chase Oliver: 286 (32.87%)
Rectenwald: 334 (38.39%)
Ter Maat: 225 (25.86%) ELIMINATED
NOTA: 22 (2.53%)
Trump: 1
Joe Montana: 1
RFK: 1
Mark Rutherford was elected VC
CAH was elected Secretary
Bill Redpath was elected Treasurer
all on 1st ballot.
POTUS going to 4th ballot after Josh Smith was eliminated on the 3rd ballot
Your source at IPR corrected herself on presidential Round one, 259 for Rectenwald but the percentage you listed is correct.
Libertarian National Convention Presidential Nominee Results (Round 2):
Lars Mapsted: 123 votes – 13.5%
Michael ter Maat: 162 votes – 17.78%
Joshua Smith: 62 votes – 6.81%
Chase Oliver: 219 votes – 24.04%
Michael Rectenwald: 293 votes – 32.16%
Jacob Hornberger: 37 votes – 4.06%
NOTA: 7 votes
Other: 8 votes – .88%
Hornberger eliminated.
Secretary nominees (in order of nomination):
Mimi Robson
Shawn Levasseur
–nominations closed
NOTA always a candidate
Treasurer nominees (in order of nomination):
Bill Redpath
Allison Spink
Patrick Mitchell
–nominations closed
NOTA always a candidate
What a shocker that Malagon would not allow the count to be witnessed?
VC nominations open; here are the nominees (in order of nomination):
Hannah Goodman
Mark Rutherford
Joshua Hlavka
nominations closed, as always NOTA is a candidate
motion to limit speeches to 2 minutes passed
The LP Conventions have quite often adjourned without finishing the Convention business. The last few items on the agenda are just abandoned and everyone goes home.
When was the last time they did not get to platform and bylaws at all?
Contra Seebeck, McArdle apparently believes there is no hard stop and they can go to 7 or 8 pm.
2020 didn’t get to Platform, 2022 didn’t get to Bylaws
I’m unsure if/when they didn’t get to both
I’m wondering when they’ll have time to complete all the convention business. It’s looking to me right now like a lot of it will not be done at all.
3 hours of nomination speeches
X number of ballots
VP nomination
Vice chair election
Secretary election
Treasurer election
At large LNC members election
Platform debate
Bylaws debate
Judicial committee election
Over/under on how many of these things get done today?
Time certain they need the room back? Time of presidential banquet? When do they lose quorum?
Why were presidential and chair debates during business, after a long credentials fight, instead of in the evenings?
Is it an actual plan to have some of the LNC pick the rest of the LNC and no judicial committee to appeal to!?
Judicial Committee now has four year terms, I think. They continue to 2026. We get Pres, Vice Pres, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and run out of time. The at-larges are now vacancies that the LNC can fill. At a guess, Angela won, so the Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer are Mises supporters. The Regional Reps include at least three Mises supporters, so they have a majority on the LNC at that point. The LNC gets to fill the vacancies. Readers would be truly shocked if they were not all Mises supporters. JC was elected in 2022. Readers may make a reasoanble conclusion as to how any appeal to the JC will go.
If the Secretary had not wasted a morning with her wrong challenges to multiple delegations, if the chair had not brought in non-Libertarian speakers, and if the convention had continued after dinner on two days, the needed business would have been transacted. But with this path we likely get to see the Mises Caucus stuff the LNC.
According to Seebeck comments at IPR, 5:30 is hard stop. They’re due back from lunch at 1:30, and typically run late. At that point they’ll still have, I think, 3 more nomination panels at 15-20 minutes apiece before the first Presidential ballot even starts. With that many candidates, there’s a likelihood of multiple ballots. Then, if I’m not mistaken, there’s the acceptance speech, concession speeches, VP nominations, VP ballot(s), VP acceptance and cconcessions. With that many Presidential hopefuls, it’s quite plausible some of the also rans will be nominated for VP, increasing the likelihood of multiple ballots there too.
Given all that, I’m going to guess they don’t even get through the officers. But, Seebeck helpfully informs us all 8 at large Lnc are already elected. Together with the chair, they will have quorum to elect the remainder of the lnc.
Slight technical issue…You mean all 8 at-large regional representatives.
There is an alternative. We saw this in iirc 2012 or so. Each candidate for officer or at-large was allowed one minute to speak from the floor, except that the Secretary got to speak from her tation on-stage. Ballot were allowed to be submitted after the convention adjourned until some time a bit later.