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Posts published in December 2023

Libertarian Party News

Friends of Third Party Watch have under discussion launching a weekly eZine “Libertarian Party News”.  One motive is the dearth of main stream media references to the Libertarian Party.  The LP is the largest orthodox third party, but it appears to have dropped completely off the main-stream radar screen. The possibility of covering other parties this way was noted, but…

Sarwark on November LNC Treasurer’s Report

Highlights: Non-convention annual revenue is down by ~$500K from 2019 ($1M in 2023 vs. $1.5M in 2019), which is the most recent year in the cycle. All LNC members combined gave just under $1,500 to the Libertarian Party in November. To put that into perspective, Angela McArdle, who is both Chair and named herself Executive Director, gives $5 per month…

Gaughen: The LP of Pennsylvania Has Collapsed!

A Report from Kevin Gaughen It has been 20 months since the Mises PAC took full control of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania at the 2022 convention. At the time, the LPPA was one of the most successful state affiliates of the National LP. Let’s see how the LPPA is currently doing… To keep things objective and quantifiable, I will…

LNC Financials for November

Now with comparisons with the 2019 and 2021 conventions. Comparison data at end of report. Slip corrected; the prior data was from the end of 2019, not the end of 1999. For November, 2023, the LNC raised $125,927 and spent $112,064. The Committee started the month with $213,902 cash on hand and ended the month with $227,765 cash on hand…

Cara Schulz Resigns as LP Minnesota Political Director

Our sources stretch to the LNC, its staff, and far beyond. From them, we are in receipt of a copy of a letter from Cara Schulz, LP Minnesota Political Director, announcing her resignation from that post. She notes that in the past five weeks LP Minnesota monthly donors fell from 111 to 97. [Editor: We are advised that there was…

Where Is the LP Convention Information?

Next summer, the Libertarian Party will have its national convention in Washington, DC. Even now, there is significant financial information present.  Some number of convention packages have been purchased, some number of rooms have been reserved in the hotel, etc. This information is critical to the Libertarian National Committee (LNC), because major financial losses at the convention could cripple the…

In Answer to Angela McArdle

Recently, I have on at least two occasions been accused of making false statements about the LNC’s Chair. The statements appear to have been those referring to the pay of the Chair’s significant other as a contractor. Let us examine the record, as taken from FEC filings, which I believe refute the claims: For August, the report seen in late…

No Confidence Motion in LPMI Chair Chadderdon

[Editor: Readers should note that there are two Libertarian Party of Michigan groups now engaged in litigation over the validity of their claims to be that group. Each group has its own chair. Mr. Chadderdon is the chair of the group currently recognized by the Libertarian National Committee as its affiliate.] Libertarian Andy Evans of Cheboygan, Michigan has publicly announced…

LNC Delegate Count

The Libertarian Party allocation of delegates by state, at the national convention, is determined in part by the number of dues-paying members in each state.  Accordingly the National Party Secretary recently distributed a draft delegate allocation count, so that the numbers could be checked by state parties.  We are advised that there are discrepancies between national and state — such…

LNC Spat over Litigation Committee Motion

The Libertarian National Committee Executive Committee voted on a motion to establish a Litigation Committee to deal with LNC lawsuits.  There was debate. Motion: That the Executive Committee appoint an empowered Litigation Committee to handle the current Michigan litigation pursuant to the Policy Manual comprising Angela McArdle, Meredith Hayes, and Caryn Ann Harlos.  Co-Sponsors: Harlos, Yeniscavich In chronological order, the…