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LNC Financials for November

Now with comparisons with the 2019 and 2021 conventions. Comparison data at end of report. Slip corrected; the prior data was from the end of 2019, not the end of 1999.

For November, 2023, the LNC raised $125,927 and spent $112,064. The Committee started the month with $213,902 cash on hand and ended the month with $227,765 cash on hand and $7645 in debts. For the year to date, the LNC raised $1,076,643 and spent $1,104,273.

The record of donations and expenses follows. More than $12,500 went toward affiliate support. The new Accounting cost $10,336. For the controversial contractor, the payment was $3120 at midmonth.

On the donation side, there was a largest donation of $4061, three more donations in the range $1500-$1900, and five donations of $1000-$1030. There were then two donations of $627, seventeen donations of $500 or $515, single donations of $470 or $365, and six donations of $300 or $303. The next largest donation was for $271. Recalling that the discounted convention packages go for $1500, $600, $450, $290, and $175, but that some people in buying a package might also make a donation, so that any number larger than a discounted price could represent a purchase of a package, there is little room for the LNC during this month to have sold more than three or four dozen of all but the cheapest convention packages.

The LNC also spent money. The Newsletter Printing Expense was $2177 to Stigler Printing. $4800 went to Meltwater news for media and public relations. $3649 covered postage, printing and copying. $492 went to Outreach and activism.

For affiliate and candidate support: $7045.20 went to the North Dakota and Virginia affiliates. $2500 went to a ballot access contractor.

General fundraising expenses were $1005 to and $325 to Paypal Merchant Services. Printed clothing and accessories for fundraising were $3464. Bank fees were $444. Teh Chair solicitation expense was $14.

Employees: Employee net pay to eight individuals came to $24,247 for biweekly amounts between $1085 and $2416. $3761 Went to social security taxes for two employees. Federal Withholding and Federal Unemployment came $2699. Employee Medicare Taxes were $880. Employee healthcare was $942.. 401K contributions were $651. Withholding taxes came to $278 to Pennsylvania, $279 to Virginia, and $132 to Colorado.

Contractors: All in One Accounting cost $10,336 for accounting services. Oliver Hall received $4500 for his retainer. Austin Padgett received $3120 paid at midmonth. $2772 went to Hooper Hathway for Legal Fees. $2000 went to Paula Edwards for FEC Reporting. $1500 went to David Aiken for CiviCRM and campaign support. $235 to Bastiat for content writing. $205 went to an advertising contractor.

$1779 went to PayChexFlex for payroll processing.

There is a headquarters. The property taxes were $5435. $560 covered ComCast telephone and data services. Utilities were $416. $407 went to cleaning and a security system. Another $210 went for cleaning. $175 covered a cell phone. $81 for maintenance went to Better Termite. The Historical Preservation Expense was $345.

$3832 went to 13 firms for software, hardware, and other IT, notably $1080 to Google, $1000 to Joinery, $451 to core spaces, and $340 to Amazon.

$4320 went to travels and meals, with an additional $1105 in travel chargeable as a convention expense.

$12,515 went for credit card payments.

Last but hardly least, $500 went to a contribution refund.

Comparison data from 2019 and 2021.

The obviously available convention data refers to the end of December, so the comparison is imprecise, but indicative.

On 12/31/2021 the deferred Convention revenue was $99,600, of which about $28,000 was theme and about $72,000 was convention packages.

Returning to 12/31/2019, the LNC had voted to require a monthly report from the Operations Director to the LNC on convention income. That motion has apparently faded from view. We gather that neither the full Convention Oversight Committee nor the full LNC is receiving current data on convention income.

Returning to four years ago, the previous Presidential nominating convention on 12/31/2019 had

Deferred revenue $204,987 (of which $8000 had been spent)

  • Packages Sold:
  • Basic — 99
  • Gold — 186
  • Silver — 32
  • Bronze — 9
  • Training — 20
  • Welcome — 38


  1. Building donor, would prefer money back Building donor, would prefer money back December 31, 2023

    L.p. Pledge news may be? Or whatever that was called. I cut mine off when they won so Idk.

  2. Darryl W Perry Darryl W Perry December 27, 2023

    What is the actually being printed with the funds from the “Newsletter Printing Expense”?

  3. George Phillies George Phillies Post author | December 27, 2023

    We are advised that Angela McArdle intends to run for re-election as LNC Chair.

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