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Posts published by “George Phillies”

No Judicial Committee Meeting on February 2.

The Kosin appeal will be heard in two weeks. Topic: Judicial Committee Hearing Re: Kosin v. LNC Time: Feb 15, 2025 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 851 9058 7758 Passcode: 921423 The Robson appeal is also rescheduled to a date and time not yet fixed.

Haman Resigns from LNC

We are advised that 8 of the 15 state chairs in Region 1 asked Adam Haman, their LNC Representative, to resign, and he has done as they requested. We do not at present have additional information as to the reason for the removal. Haman declined to comment on the reasons for his resignation. Appearing on Facebook, a slightly edited statement…

Opinion: Considerations for the Investigation and Chair Selection

An Opinion Piece by Susan Hogarth The LNC is taking action to investigate credible allegations of financial self-dealing from the resigning Chair, Angela McArdle. This could represent $45,000 in stealth payments to her own household after the LNC voted to terminate her partner’s earlier contract. The investigation could extend to her actions with other Party expenses and to dealings with…

Mises Caucus Launches Campaign — Heise for Chair

We have on reasonable authority that the Libertarian Party Mises Caucus would like to elect Michael Heise as the new Libertarian Party National Chair.  Organization was prompted by a letter

LNC To Meet 2/2/2025 NOW WITH ZOOM LINK!

You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Feb 2, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Adrian F Malagon Adrian Malagon reported to the LNC on motions that had been announced for the February Meeting. Mr. Dustin…

eMail Motions Before the LNC

Motion: To authorize Jonathan M. Jacobs to make the LNC’s response to Judicial Committee Appeal Judicial Committee Appeal 1.6.25. Co-Sponsors: Bost, Dassing, Haman, Hays, Vinson Motion: To accept Angela McArdle’s resignation from the office of the Chair of the Libertarian National Committee effective immediately. Co-Sponsors: Bost, Darr, Haman, Hays Motion: Resolved, that a committee comprised of Meredith Hays, Paul Darr,…

LNC Special Meeting Now February 2

The LNC Special Meeting will now be on February 2.  Details when available. McArdle’s call to a special meeting this evening was found to be invalid, because it did not specify the location, i.e., the Zoom link.  

McArdle Resigns

Libertarian Party National Chair Angela McArdle has resigned as Party National Chair. Her announcement came early Saturday morning.  A motion accepting her resignation, effective immediately, is before the LNC. Her resignation read: From: Angela McArdle <> Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2025 6:30:10 AM (UTC+00:00) Monrovia, Reykjavik To: lnc-public_forward <> Subject: Resignation, Thank You, and Timeline Hello Everyone, I am taking…

Chase Oliver on the 2026 LNC Elections

I’m a life member and if I am a delegate in 2026 (I’m planning on it) I will be looking for a few things in the people I would support for innerparty office. Transparency No more overuse of executive session, an easy to find public facing email list complete with debate and discourse, and a commitment by board members to…

LNC Resolution Attacking Israel

We quote the resolution: Resolution Urging the United States Congress to End Military Support to Israel and Cease Global Expenditure of U.S. Taxpayer Dollars Whereas, continued U.S. military support to Israel exacerbates tensions in the Middle East, increasing the likelihood of a direct war with Iran that would unnecessarily drag the United States into another costly conflict; Whereas, U.S. ties…