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Posts published in October 2022

Libertarian Steve Scheetz to the LP National Chair

The following letter was sent to the Libertarian Party Discussion Group by PA activist Steve Scheetz. He reports: My message was deleted and I was blocked within 30 seconds. 10/25/2022Dear Chair McArdle: I am both disturbed and disgusted to receive this mailing asking for money for Ballot Access when you removed Jennifer Moore, the most effective player on that committee.…


Are you a third party candidate? Are you dismayed that issues polling is beyond your budget? Do not lose hope. The two larger parties and their supporters do issues polling, and publish their results.   For tons of thoughtful graphs showing what issues really concern the electorate: You will have to think to see how questions oriented toward them can…

Submission | Letters

Editors: Have you looked @ recently? I looked at it yesterday, and it included a repost of a column by Ron Paul on the Italian elections, which seemed to welcome the victory of the nationalist coalition headed by the woman who has not hesitated to praise Mussolini. It also reposts a column by someone else celebrating the 11 Republicans…

What’s Next for Tulsi Gabbard?

In announcing she was leaving the Democraps, Tulsi Gabbard did not say whether she would become a true Independent, a Rethuglican, a capital-L Libertarian, or a Green. (This ex-Green shudders at the possibility of her joining the Green 2024 presidential field. I’m an ex-Green for current political purposes, but no, not a Democrap. But, I still eye Greens. And I’ll cut her…