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Posts published in February 2024

LP California Presidential Straw Poll

Courtesy of long-time California Libertarian Jose Ctaneda, we have the Libertarian Party of California Presidential straw poll, as taken at their state convention: Name / Votes Received / Percent Lars Mapstead—25 26.3 Michael Rectenwald—21 22.1 Mike ter Maat—14 14.7 Chase Oliver—10 10.5 Jacob Hornberger—6 6.3 Art Olivier—4 4.2 Toad—4 4.2 Josh Smith—4 4.2 Spike Cohen—3 3.2 Charles Ballay—2 2.1 Justin…

Mike Saliba Earns 5% of the Vote in a 3-Way Race

From correspondent Jim Fulner Libertarian nominee Mike Saliba earns 5% of the vote in a three way race for Clinton Township Trustee special election conducted in combination with Michigan presidential preference primary. This percentage is the largest in years for a Michigan Libertarian nominee in a race that also included a Republican and Democrat. The special election was a result…

Third Parties Ordered by National Committee Income

What are the significant Third Parties of the United States? I list them in order of their 2023 income , followed by their financial details for the complete year 2023. Forward Party $2,894,885 No Labels $2,149,475 Libertarian Party $1,222,313 Green Party $ 228,555 Constitution Party $ 91,073 The Libertarian Party has fallen to third place among the five. The relative…

LNC Financials for January 2024

LNC Financials for January 2024. Total income $110,726.39 Total outgo    $118,340.05 Debts of the LNC $9,135.53 Particularly noteworthy were the $12,000 expense for the next FreedomFest and the $7205 in affiliate and candidate support. The outgo number is enhanced because people were apparently paid in January for work done in December. The total amount appears to be slightly more than…

Malagon, Benner Demand Tuniewicz Resign from LNC

The exchange begins with an apology from Mr. Tuniewicz From: Mark Tuniewicz <> Folks, Just a quick public apology. A couple days ago, as part of a message requesting financial information disclosure about the CA Black Tie Fundraiser and the Rage Against the War Machine rally, I inadvertently released a brief quote from a confidential conversation. By way of explanation,…

Tuniewicz Raises Financial Issues

LNC Regional Representative Mark Tuniewicz has continued to raise questions about the conduct of LNC financial affairs.  Third Party Watch was forwarded the following discussion by a highly reliable source. The following discussion did not occur on the LNC Public business list at Google, because that list has been shut down.  The LNC has moved its business discussion to a…

Opinion: The Liberal Party Is the Right Answer

Post by Trisha Butler [Editor: Elevated from the Comments. ] My Response to: An Opinion Piece from Tom Rowlette by Trisha Butler, Chair, Association of Liberty State Parties Organizing the Liberal Party was a desperate response to destruction. Believing that this splintering is novel is to purposely close ones eyes to the events of the past two years. The Libertarian…

Opinion: The Liberal Party is the Wrong Answer

An Opinion Piece from Tom Rowlette Organizing the Liberal Party is entirely destructive. If you look at the history of third parties in the US, it’s when they splinter that they start to lose their effectiveness. It’s been a blessing of the libertarian movement that we’ve been able to stick together with one party for the last 50 years, unlike…

Liberal Party of the United States Organizes

In an interview of this Editor with Chris Luchini, the new Liberal Party Treasurer, the Liberal Party of the United States has revealed some organizational information. The Party has a preliminary Steering Committee, with members Trisha Butler (Chair and Secretary), Chris Luchini (Treasurer), and Robert Kraus (former LNC staff member).  The planned organization includes a Central Committee, formed from donors,…

Kraus Warns of Legal Issues for LNC

Former LNC staff member Robert Kraus warns of potential legal issues that may face the LNC.  (This article was much of a comment by Robert Kraus, and has been elevated to article status. Reminder: The Chair & other officers of the LNC continue to be in direct violation of DC Non-profit Code – in particular: Standards of Conduct (D.C. Code…