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LNC Censures Tuniewicz, Claims It Created Region 1

The following were in attendance:
Officers: Angela McArdle, Andrew Watkins, Caryn Ann Harlos, Todd Hagopian
At-Large Representatives: Dustin Blankenship, Adrian F Malagon, Steven Nekhaila, Kathy Yeniscavich
Regional Representatives: Adam Haman (Region 1), Dave Benner (Region 2), Dustin Nanna (Region 3), Otto Dassing (Region 5), Beth Vest (Region 7), Pat Ford (Region 8)

Regional Alternates: Martin Cowen (Region 2), Greg Hertzsch (Region 3), Gary Alvstad (Region 4), Will Hyman (Region 5), Bill Redpath (Region 6), Paul Darr (Region 7)

Motion of Censure

Mr. Malagon moved to censure Mr. Tuniewicz for his comments to and about the Credentials Committee members individually that were perceived to be personally threatening them with legal action which could reasonably lead to improper influence through fear and chilling of speech.

A roll call vote was conducted with the following results:

Benner NO
Blankenship NO
Dassing YES
Ford YES
Hagopian NO
Harlos YES
Alvstad YES
Malagon YES
Nanna NO
Nekhaila YES
Redpath NO
Vest NO
Watkins YES
Yeniscavich YES
McArdle Abstain

The motion passed with a roll call vote of 9-6-1.

Region 1 Agreement
Mr. Malagon moved to ratify and adopt the Secretary’s acceptance of the Region 1 agreement with the states identified in her email announcement and their election of Mr. Adam Haman, Mr. Roman Garcia as Representatives and of Mr. Andrew Chadderdon as first-ranked alternate and of Mr. Nick Shawhan as second-ranked alternate.

Chair McArdle passed the gavel to Vice-Chair Watkins while she consulted with the parliamentarian as to whether this was a proper motion within the scope of the authority of the LNC. She resumed the gavel and informed the LNC that the motion was in order.

A roll call vote was conducted with the following results:

Member / Alternate Yes No Abstain
Benner NO
Blankenship ABSTAIN
Dassing YES
Ford YES
Hagopian YES
Haman YES
Harlos YES
Hays YES
Malagon YES
Nanna NO
Nekhaila YES
Redpath NO
Vest NO
Watkins YES
Yeniscavich YES
McArdle Abstain

The motion passed with a roll call vote of 10-4-2.

There was a Treasurer’s Report

The Party’s finances are in good shape assuming convention projected expenses remain in line. The month’s revenue was already just over $300,000 and was easily the most successful month in addition to the convention revenues. There was no need to borrow funds, and the situation will remain that way assuming convention expenses remain as expected. These figures do include this month’s convention revenue but not past convention revenue; therefore, when the next Treasurer performs the calculations for May, the total will be approximately $500,000. Ms. Yeniscavich stated that convention revenues were presently at $432,685.00.

Mr. Blankenship noted that there has been well over $10,000 in donations just today.


  1. Michael F Gilson Michael F Gilson June 6, 2024

    Are Mark’s concerns correct?

    The proper procedure is open an inquiry. Right?

  2. Meredith Hays Meredith Hays June 6, 2024

    Hi George,

    I did not vote Yes on the Region 1 vote, as I wasn’t in attendance (was still on the plane to DC).

  3. Thomas L. Knapp Thomas L. Knapp June 6, 2024

    I guess when the libertarian wing of the Libertarian Party takes back over, we’ll have to dust off Caryn Ann’s time machine and cause the censure to have never happened.

  4. George Phillies George Phillies Post author | June 4, 2024

    Dustin Blankenship advises me that he spoke against the censure motion. There is a video of the meeting. I hope to gain access to it eventually.

  5. Jim Jim June 4, 2024

    Malagon’s repeated threats of violence were at least as clear as Tuniewicz’s threat of a lawsuit. I guess they aren’t shy about being hypocrites.

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