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McArdle Demands Chase Off Colorado Ballot

Angela McArdle, LNC National Chair, has demanded that the Libertarian Party candidate for President, Chase Oliver, be removed from the Colorado ballot, via the mechanism of removing the Oliver Electors.

The above was received by the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office, as confirmed by public release as part of a data dump from CORA (Colorado Public Records). You can read much more at

From: Angela McArdle

Sent: Wednesday, July 17,2024 6:06:03 PM

To: Caleb Thornton. Hannah Goodman, Jeffrey Mustin, Eli Gonz, James Wiley

Good Afternoon Mr. Mustin,

I am Chair of the national Libertarian Party, and I am requesting that the false electors be withdrawn.

Please Advise.

Angela McArdle

Chair, Libertarian National Committee


  1. Stewart Flood Stewart Flood August 24, 2024

    How can someone be expected to resign in disgrace when they are proud of their actions?

    From what I can see, her lack of ethics may even rivals Trump’s. This type of person actually believes in what he or she is doing.

    I believe the clinical term is sociopath.

  2. José C José C August 18, 2024

    My understanding from the Secretary of Sate’s office of Colorado this letter from the Libertarian Party Chair is of no consequence and meaningless. Under the laws of Colorado Chase Oliver is on the ballot in Colorado no matter what Angela and the Colorado Party executive committee want.

  3. Arthur Ketchen Arthur Ketchen August 18, 2024

    Absolutely! This from a founding member of the LP

    • Porcus Agricola Porcus Agricola August 18, 2024

      I’m honestly far less obsessed with the libertarians than this site is (I was involved with them in 1987-9 for Ron Paul and for a few months in 2008 for Bob Barr, and have been involved with other minor parties such as American/American Independent, Reform and Constitution Party at various times) so I only ask in the spirit of furthering discussion: what is the reasoning behind your one word answer and biographical note?

      And, since you did include that note, I’m curious how you got involved and found the other founding members, if by founding member you mean one of the single digit numbers of people at either of the founding meetings in Colorado Springs and suburban Denver. Or, do you mean one of the 90 or so people I’ve read attended their first national convention? Something else, and if so, how do you define founding member?

      None of my questions imply a position on the underlying controversy, which I have no opinion on and no interest in learning enough to form one. As far as I can tell, libertarian internal minutia and faction fights are a bottomless pit. But historical accounts from people who were at those events can be interesting, as could an explanation of why you hold your opinion to at least some people reading, even if I’m not among them. “Absolutely” begs the question of why, so here it is, even though I am not a big or small L.

    • Arthur Ketchen Arthur Ketchen August 21, 2024

      And now we see(to no ones surprise) lunatic Kennedy is considering support for Trump. And that Trump got booed out of the Libertarian Convention his go fers have to do an end run around Chase Oliver. This was as a reply to Damians statement that McArdle should resign in disgrace and it is more evident all the time what she has been doing.

      • Damian Damian August 22, 2024

        She should still resign in disgrace. That’s not even touching her misdeeds regarding Colorado which is a whole new level of ***kery.

  4. NewFederalist NewFederalist August 17, 2024

    This just looks really bad. It will take a while but with the group that is in charge of the Libertarian Party right now; the party will resemble the Prohibition Party sooner than might have ever been thought possible.

  5. Walter Ziobro Walter Ziobro August 17, 2024

    Would Chairman Angela be satisfied with ANY Colorado electors pledged to Oliver?

  6. Damian Damian August 16, 2024

    She should resign in disgrace.

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