For the period January 2023 to date. We see that the Green Party raised less than a sixth of the funds raised by the Libertarian Party, and the Constitution Party raised slightly more than six percent as much as the Libertarian Party.
Beginning cash on hand $255,395.26
Total receipts $2,266,776.50
Total disbursements $2,172,385.54
Ending cash on hand $349,786.22
Debts/loans owed by committee $294,317.08
Green Party
Beginning cash on hand $108,646.21
Raised $344,401.46
Ending cash on hand $135,901.43
Constitution Party
Beginning cash on hand $14,301.79
Total Contributions $138,075.59
Total Spent $141,156.33
Ending cash on hand $16,544.81
Looks like the Libertarians and Greens had plenty of cash to deploy for ballot access.
Just using straight line projections for this year (which will likely be high as fundraising falls off after the election and the LP at least has already booked its convention revenue, but the Greens maybe have not):
$1,957,000 Libertarian
$199,000 Green
$76,000 Constitution
If those numbers are in the ballpark, then relative to 2020, not adjusting for inflation:
-15.5% Libertarian
-39.6% Green
-8.4% Constitution
And using a 2 year election cycle (2023-24 vs 2019-20):
-22.6% Libertarian
-23.3% Green
+8.6% Constitution