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Editorial: The LNC and Caryn Ann Harlos

Readers will be aware that I have historically not been sympathetic to Harlos’s approach to using parliamentary procedure.  Nonetheless:

Were you a 2022 delegate? Did you support Caryn Ann Harlos for Secretary? If so, or even if you didn’t, she needs your help. There is an active move on the LNC to remove her as Secretary. The front part of the event will be at this Sunday’s LNC meeting, when the ‘Investigatory’ committee will, says the call to the meeting, make its report and recommend charges.

To support her: Vigorously email the LNC officers, the LNC At-Large members, and your Regional Representative and Alternate, demanding that they not take action to suspend her. You can find a list of LNC members on the LP web page. Vigorously email your state chair, telling him to order your Regional Representative and Alternate not to support suspension.

If you know any other delegates, especially those who voted for her in 2022, tell them about the situation. You can find more details on the LNC public list. So far as I can tell, her falsely alleged major fault is that she took necessary and proper steps to ensure that Chase Oliver is on the Colorado ballot.


  1. Damian Damian October 14, 2024

    Thomas is right. McAddled plotted with Goodman and Harlos ruined her precious plans and likely payday. Harlos did her job by any reasonable standard.

  2. Andy Andy October 3, 2024

    Caryn Ann Harlos was not an officer in the LP of Colorado, but she was/is a member.

    The bigger issues to me are that #1) Chase Oliver is the Libertarian National Convention nominated candidate, not RFK Jr., #2) the LP of Colorado is an affiliate of the LNC which willingly participated in tbe national convention, #3) when RFK Jr. was included in the voting at the national convention he was eliminated on the first out of seven ballots, and he only received about 1.9% of the vote, ZERO of which came from the Colorado delegation and #4) it should be blatantly obvious to all now that the LP having RFK Jr. on the ballot anywhere for President would have been a complete disaster since he dropped out and endorsed Donald Trump, and since he is removing his name from ballots where he can legally do so, and it should also be obvious that RFK Jr. was never really serious about beung the LP’s nominee in the first place.

    So I do not think Caryn Ann Harlos did anything wrong here. If anything she helped the party dodge a bullet with this.

  3. Sean O Sean O October 2, 2024

    She obviously violated Article 58. Seems open and shut to me.

    • Porcus Agricola Porcus Agricola October 4, 2024

      Actual article?(no, I don’t actually care). Or more like catch 22 and rule 34, etc?

  4. Andy Andy October 2, 2024

    I did not support the removal of Caryn Ann Harlos from the 2020-2022 LNC and I will not support removing her from this LNC. My reason is that I did not think she did anything to merit removal during the 2020-2022 term, nor do I think she has done anything to merit being removed during this term.

    • Arthur Ketchen Arthur Ketchen October 6, 2024

      Hi Everyone : This Sunday the LNC is taking a vote to expel Caryn Ann Harlos.I have been no fan of Caryn Ann Harlos. But it took guts for her to certify the Chase Oliver-Mike ter Maat ticket in Colorado. Let me remind you of that favorite quote from Frederick Douglass. You all need to email LNC National Committee members who are taking a vote tomorrow and demand instead that they retire Andrea McArdle for her campaign of lies and direct collusion with Donald Trump who certainly no Libertarian. He is no Republican in the true sense(whatever that was)either: The choice between Trump and Harris is the choice between the Democratic Party of Jackson to Wilson(Trump) and the Democratic Party of Carter-Clinton(Harris).One is an open endorsement of savagery and barbarism(and it is the type of feudalism this nation revolted out of in 1776-take it from me I had family involved) and a compromised weak party which tries to be both collectivist and individualist. Neither one of them(certainly not Trump or the Inquisitions best buddy: Vance and Project 2025) wants a Libertarian Party which might keep them in some version of the straight and narrow(I consider the Jo Jorgensen campaign in 2020 a victory-that is why Trump conspired with McArdle to stop a repeat). But if Trump wins the presidency it will be outright war with a pack of savages who have no respect for rule of law and whose savagery has no respect for reason,therefore none for persons or property. Email LNC members and serve them notice that they will have crossed the last line if they expel Caryn Ann Harlos. Let them expel Andrea McArdle instead. Arthur W. Ketchen

      Note: Caryn Ann or anyone is certainly encouraged to read this to the LNC!

      • J. M. Jacobs J. M. Jacobs October 13, 2024

        Well, that comment did not age well.

        She gets due process, no sudden expulsion vote like the last time.

        • Thomas L. Knapp Thomas L. Knapp October 14, 2024

          The “due process” required, as laid out in the bylaws, is a vote to suspend, followed by an (optional) appeal to the Judicial Committee.

          That’s it. That’s all. That’s the totality of it. There are no other requirements.

          While I’m opposed to this particular removal, it’s worth noting that Ms. Harlos received FAR more “due process” last time than the bylaws entitled her to, and looks set to receive more this time as well/

  5. Stewart Flood Stewart Flood October 2, 2024

    But is it likely that any outcome other than the predetermined kangaroo court will prevail?

    From what I understand, and I may not be 100% correct in the information I have, her action to put Oliver on the ballot was done in her capacity at the state level not the national.

    If what I have been told is accurate, the LNC has no authority to act. Members of the libertarian party have held multiple roles since the first days of its existence. It is quite common for members of the LNC to also hold positions at a state or even county level.

    If her action was done in her capacity as an officer of her state party, then any action or reprisal against her — assuming what she did was actually improper — then that action would be by her state party. The LNC has no legal authority to take action against her.

    But if their report show reliable evidence that her actions were done as the national secretary, then their kangaroo court is justified in proceeding in the standard and accepted order: accuse, sentence, and if there is time and audience interest, hold an actual trial. But the trial is not always necessary and would need to be held quickly, since the prisoner has usually already been executed, and things will get smelly very fast. And political executions can really stink up a room.

    • Thomas L. Knapp Thomas L. Knapp October 3, 2024

      “From what I understand, and I may not be 100% correct in the information I have, her action to put Oliver on the ballot was done in her capacity at the state level not the national.”

      That’s incorrect.

      Colorado’s secretary of state requires either the national committee chair or the national committee secretary to certify the nomination of the party’s presidential candidates.

      Harlos, in her capacity as national secretary, provided that certification. After which McArdle, who supported the rogue Colorado LP’s attempt to replace the party’s nominees with RFK/Shanahan, threw a temper tantrum about an imagined usurpation of her AUTHORITAH.

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