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New Massachusetts Political Group

Third Party Watch is led to believe that a group of Massachusetts Libertarians, some of whom were expelled from LAMA or disassociated from ULMA, are contemplating forming a new political group “Prosperity and Freedom”.  The group would encourage supporters to run for office and do other political-supportive things, and is considering operating state and Federal PACs.   Members are considering whether Prosperity and Freedom would be confined to Massachusetts, or whether it would organize on a national scale.


  1. Walter Ziobro Walter Ziobro July 15, 2024

    The situation of Libertarians in Massachusetts has become so complex, that it might help clear things up by identifying who leads each group.

  2. George Phillies George Phillies Post author | July 15, 2024

    In addition, Prosperity and Freedom does not include “Libertarian” in its name and would not want affiliation with LPUS , denying the Party of Litigators any legal claim on its operations. LPNH has with its odd positions poisoned ‘Libertarian’ in New Hampshire, costing a candidate with that as one of her parties perhaps 5% of the vote, so the name is impolitic.

  3. Jim Jim July 15, 2024

    MA already has the Mises affiliated Libertarian Party of Massachusetts, the non-Mises Libertarian Association of Massachusetts, and the bridge group United Libertarians of Massachusetts.

    Why form another group? Just personality conflicts with everyone else?

    • George Phillies George Phillies Post author | July 15, 2024

      Libertarian Party is the state-recognized group with members elected in the Presidential Primary. LAMA is the non-Mises-oriented private club with dues-paying members. ULMA is the Mises-oriented private club with dues-paying members. Neither LAMA nor ULMA supported people for state legislature this or last year. P&F as indicated by the name will probably be focused primarily on prosperity and then freedom, not on liberty or libertarian theology.

      • Walter Ziobro Walter Ziobro July 15, 2024

        “Libertarian Party is the state-recognized group with members elected in the Presidential Primary.”

        That group has Presidential ballot access, and is in the awkward position of being willing and able to put Oliver on the ballot, but has not been issued a certificate of nomination by the LNC because it is not affiliated with them.

        • George Phillies George Phillies Post author | July 15, 2024

          I have been there and signed the needed form. They did not, at least when we signed the form, need a document from the LNC. They need the document signed by the LPMA chair and the 11 electors.

          • Walter Ziobro Walter Ziobro July 16, 2024

            Contacts are being made with Secretary-Eternal Galvin to determine precisely what documents he requires to put Oliver on the ballot in Massachusetts.

          • George Phillies George Phillies Post author | July 16, 2024

            Excellent. I may of course be out of date.

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