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Harlos Appeals LNC Suspension Action

Caryn Ann Harlos, suspended LNC Secretary, has appealed to the LP Judicial Committee her suspension by the LNC.  In the absence of an appeal, the LNC would have removed her from office.  Because there is an appeal filing, there will be an appeal procedure before the Judicial Committee.  The deadline for submission of appeal material bey her has passed.

If you want to submit an amicus statement, you have until the day of the hearing to submit.  That’s a considerable time in the future.

There are three appeal documents.  The third is quite large.

The first document is the text of the appeal.

The second document is a short group of supporting documents.

The third document is a much larger group of supporting documents.




  1. Stewart Flood Stewart Flood November 19, 2024

    Ms Harlos,

    After reading the appeal and related documents, I do have one specific question: Since you referenced Jimmy Hoffa, yet failed to have that question asked during your polygraph test: what information are you hiding?

    Granted, and I say this having no direct knowledge of your age, if you were alive then you would have at best been a small child. But being one who directly spoke a few weeks later to a witness of the events of that day, I can state with reasonable accuracy that no one killed Hoffa.

    The cause of death was natural causes, when the metal drum he stepped into, while still alive, ran out of breathable oxygen. The fact that the lid was sealed by others is not important, nor is the eventual location of the drum. My witness only knew what happened up until the drum was removed out of the back of the restaurant and placed in a truck.

    Whether this person was telling the truth or not, he was working there at the time, and he did leave Detroit immediately after, heading east as far as he could get. Since he seemed to like to talk about things others claimed ignorance of, if he was being truthful then I doubt he lived very long.

    No one ever notices the busboys who clean the tables…

    But enough unrelated stuff.

    Your appeal is very long, taking me nearly two hours to read and digest all the documents. Several exhibits appear to be missing.

    You repeated yourself several times on points, giving the same argument multiple times. There were also signs in several places of an incomplete scan. for. broken. sentences.

    It could have been about five to seven pages shorter.

    • Caryn Ann Harlos Caryn Ann Harlos November 19, 2024

      The repetition was needed, one exhibit was sent separately and you will just have to trust me, I didn’t kill Hoffa. They way they handled this was so amateur hour as to be laughable..

      • Caryn Ann Harlos Caryn Ann Harlos November 19, 2024

        There is no Ex 14 it is not missing. That has put in as placeholder. Ex 12 is separate and is in the upload.

        • Stewart Flood Stewart Flood November 19, 2024

          Yes, I saw that exhibit was in the separate file. That is why I thought the other one was missing, because there was no mention of it being in a separate file.

          You say it it’s not missing because it is not there. I believe that is the definition of missing. 🙂

          When I woke up in the middle of the night last night, I was hoping that reading it would put me back to sleep. It did not. And unfortunately, it is ootentially annoying to my neighbors for me to start printing in the middle of the night.

          The stupid Chinese have rigged the slicing software so that the printer does a noise suppression test at the beginning of every print. Unfortunately, the noise suppression test is extremely loud. Sort of sounds like an old DC9 throttling up at the top of the runway with the brakes on.

          • Caryn Ann Harlos Caryn Ann Harlos November 20, 2024

            I guess I meant it wasn’t missing in that it never existed. I accidentally jumped from 13 to 15.

  2. Caryn Ann Harlos Caryn Ann Harlos November 19, 2024

    In the supporting documents I took a lie detector test. Pause on that a minute and ask yourself who is telling the truth.

    • Stewart Flood Stewart Flood November 19, 2024

      Yes, I did find that interesting. And I don’t think anyone would one would expect the chair of the LP to take one. She has demonstrated over time that she is an habitual liar, and they will usually only take a polygraph if forced to.

      I find her constant references to COINTELPRO to be very interesting. That was before she was born, so I don’t think she actually understands what it was or what the political environment was back then that allowed it to take place.

      I grew up in that era, and I remember very clearly how things were. Watergate, the Pentagon papers, and everything else going on are still somewhat vivid memories to anyone over 60.

      But she seems to have a rather sick fascination with it. Remember the old saying, the person who keeps pointing the finger at others after a fire is very likely the one who set the fire. She looks like an infiltrator and acts like an infiltrator. She has admitted to meeting with Trump. The entire mises caucus may not have been a setup from the beginning, but I believe she has been.

      • Daniel Lutz Daniel Lutz November 19, 2024

        Mr Flood,

        I largely agree with your assesment, in particular when it comes to the rank and file of MC vs the leadership. I think the rank and file were effectivley duped. I get the feeling much of the leadership even at state level were on board with comparamising and kowtowing to republicans, atleast here in Colorado they were talking like that 3 years ago when Hannah was first voted into vice chair. I don’t believe it was ever mises member but even ones that I know were libertarian before pushed their messaging with a great fervor. I believe Angela and a few other were looking for potential trump appointments, the state level supporters were probably looking at higher positions within the GOP. Effectovley they are using our party to gain more traction in their own, and to many of our own helped them do it.

        I’m willing to bet that nothing will come of all their selling out and the ones that secire some kond of place in the GOP will go home to their party and forget about us.

        • Stewart Flood Stewart Flood November 19, 2024

          When you burn down a forest, it takes years to grow back.

          Whether they stay or leave, they have significantly damaged the image and the internal structure of your party. Of course, the sooner you get rid of them, the sooner you can plant new trees. But it will still take a long time.

    • David Graham David Graham November 21, 2024

      Polygraphy is pseudoscience. Whether one passes or fails the “test” has no scientific connection to whether one has told the truth. CAH paid for the “test”; of course, she passed. Mr. Daniels wants her repeat business and referrals. Had CAH failed the “test”, we wouldn’t have heard about it.
      I express no opinion on any of the many facets of the appeal. I simply want everyone to know that a polygraph “test” is proof of nothing.
      CAH’s inclusion of the “test” results weakens her case as it smacks of desperation to bolster her credibility.
      For less than the cost of the polygraph (prolly $500), CAH could have had her truthfulness declared by a palm reader, or someone examining her aura.
      Read the free e-book, “The Lie Behind the Lie Detector”, or just google “polygraph”.

  3. Caryn Ann Harlos Caryn Ann Harlos November 19, 2024

    Dr. Mouton has submitted an application excellent Amicus, that I hope TPW prints in full.

    Read my petition in full. This was so obviously a hack job.

  4. Dr. Chuck Moulton Dr. Chuck Moulton November 18, 2024

    I submitted an amicus.

    • George Phillies George Phillies Post author | November 19, 2024

      Please send us a copy.

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