Last updated on April 26, 2024
We are in receipt of a copy of the Libertarian Party of California Executive Committee agenda for their meeting of March 28. Buried on the second page is a laconic sentence “Formal Disaffiliation of the Libertarian Party of San Francisco County”, allotted 10 minutes of time. Our source indicates that the LPSFC has not been advised that their disaffiliation is under consideration.
There are controversies within Libertarian groups in Massachusetts. There are claims that a non-resident of Massachusetts was improperly admitted as a convention delegate to the recent ULM convention and/or elected to one of the state committees. One of? Yes, there are three of them, corresponding to the Libertarian Association of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Libertarian Party, and the United Libertarians of Massachusetts (ULM). The one person could matter because several votes at the recent ULM state convention were settled with a margin of one vote. (There is also an active Worcester County Libertarian group, which is a separate PAC.)
ULM is the Libertarian National Committee affiliate in Massachusetts. The recent ULM convention elected the Massachusetts delegation to the national convention. Included in the delegation, despite the split between LAMA and ULM, were members of both groups. By report a considerable number of delegates support Chase Oliver, and a considerable number of delegates support Michael Rectenwald.
In addition, we see reported that Meredith Hays has resigned from the LNC Convention Oversight Committee and Joshua Jongema has resigned from the Libertarian Party National Convention Credentials Committee.
I am on a crusade.
I would like LP organizations to change the order of the name of the Party organization in full.
My version of LPSF would become SFCALP since the LPC or LP of California would be CA LP.
If the states follow suit the state would come first and a search for the LP Of California or any other state would be simple since their initial comes first making it easy to see on a list of LP organizations. Plus, it puts the states where they belong !st.
Remember, just as there is no ongoing state central committee once a state convention adjourns, there is no national LP once that convention adjourns. The LNC manages the business of the LP but it is bound by what the Delegates decide at the convention of Delegates from the state parties.
Think about it.
Local organizations like the SF CA LP are the bedrock of the Party and the state LP Central Committee exists only as long as the Delegates sit in convention.
I’ll be bringing this up in various venues [not all, I don’t do them all] for others to consider.
gail lightfoot, SLO CALP
San Luis Obispo, CA LP
The better way to do it is to have all of the states be LPxx, where xx is the state’s normal 2-letter abbreviation that everyone is used to, and then the subaffiliates of those states be xxxLP, however the xxx would be, depending on the state and counties/regions. Consistency helps in this case.
So for your case, you would have “LPCA” for the state party and “SLOLP” or similar for the county.
As a different example here in LPAL, multiple counties, including my own, start with “M,” so “MCLP” doesn’t work, so they would have to have different acronyms.
But at the state level, the 4-letter acronyms are consistent and work best.
I found the EC Minutes on this.
Motion: Loren Dean moved, with second, to suspend the dues-sharing donation from the Libertarian Party of California to the Libertarian Party of San Francisco County (“LPSF”), holding such monies for one year, or until such time as LPSF can show that they have both A) a properly constituted Executive Committee and B) reduced to zero any and all outstanding financial obligations to all relevant government bodies, whichever comes first.
The motion passed by a roll call vote of 14-0-0-0 (Yes/No/Express Abstention/Not Voting). Chair did not vote.