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LNC and LNC Executive Committee to Meet

Neither meeting will permit public comment.

The Executive Committee will meet Wed May 8th, at 6:30 PM EST. The LNC will meet Saturday, 5/11/24, at 5PM Eastern time.

In a series of shorter messages, Angela McArdle wrote:

“I am calling for an executive committee meeting to discuss litigation against the LNC. We will meet with counsel regarding the derivative suit and consider motions authorizing appropriate action after his advice, including a response to the suit and the seeking of a security bond in the amount of $25,000 to cover the E&O deductible, or other amount counsel advises.

“This meeting will take place in Executive Session.

“Due to everyone’s time and meetings later that evening for convention preparation, there will be no public comment. All comments can be directed to the LNC through our emails & the website.

“Additional motion for the ExCom Meeting:

“Move to unrestrict convention funds, only to the extent necessary to defend against the derivative suit, while pursuit of a line of credit is pending.

“Yes, the Plaintiff is Ms. Vest.”

A meeting of the LNC has been called by the LP Chair for Saturday, May 11 at 5PM Eastern Time.

Once again, there will be no time for public comment.

The Chair wrote: MEETING PURPOSE: Move to appoint an Investigative Committee comprising Dave Benner, Adam Haman, Andrew Watkins, and Kathy Yeniscavich to investigate in good faith whether the maintenance of the derivative proceeding is in the best interests of the corporation, pursuant to the Code of the District of Columbia, §29-411.05 with such committee to report back and share their findings to the Executive Committee and counsel as soon as reasonably possible.

“Due to everyone’s time constraints and meetings later that evening for convention preparation, there will be no public comment. All comments can be directed to the LNC through our emails & the website.”