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LNC ExComm Liveblog 7/30/2024

Last updated on August 1, 2024

[Editor: As with all articles, we are open to requested corrections.]  We advance to the Executive Committee meeting.  Conversation was extremely vigorous between Harlos and McArdle.

Chair moves to go into Executive Session.  Harlos objects.

Vote: No Ford Yes. Redpath No. Rutherford No. Yeniscavich Yes. Mcardle Yes. Tied 3-3- so no executive session.

There was then extremely vigorous discussion, not quite shouting, but rapid speech.

Chair to Harlos: You acted outside of your bylaws-mandated duties and we cannot afford to indemnify you. You sent a whistleblower complaint to Oliver Hall and two other officers. You are suing a state affiliate.

Harlos: Chair has conflict of interest. My lawsuit is my right as a Colorado member. Your email was read to me by the Secretary of State. I am waiting for the public record request.

Chair: I sent the email on advice of counsel.

Hays: We would like to resolve things. I propose that we do mediation. There are concerns that the LNC will be dragged into it.

Chair: We have conflict and prefer mediation.

Harlos: If LPCO wants to mediate, their attorney can contact me.  At some point there was explanation that in Colorado non-profits cannot represent themselves.  They must use an attorney.

Hays: I will pass this on to Colorado.

Chair: I am not clear if we will enter into conflict resolution with our Secretary.

Harlos: I am not in conflict with the LNC. I am in conflict with the LPCO. I am protecting the rights of our delegates, especially CO delegates.

Chair: We got a demand letter.

Harlos: I am defending our candidate being on the CO ballot. If the LNC is named in a suit I agree to mediation.

Chair: We got a demand letter.

Harlos: I am covered by the E&O insurance. I am within my duties. Madame Chair, you are in more hazard. It is an absolute breach of our fiduciary duty for the LNC to fail to support me.

Hayes: We got a demand letter [Editor: which we have, I think, not yet seen here.]

Harlos: I think it is pretty funny. The LNC should be eager to defend its candidates. I did my duty as LNC Secretary. I believe I sent it in Colorado.

Chair claims that the LNC did not ask to rescind the nomination.

Harlos says:  LPCOis subject to service as Chair and as Registered Agent. LPCO chair is dodging being served. If CO Chair does not accept service, there will be a court order and Sheriff to serve.

Rutherford: Have we involved LNC Counsel in this? Chair Yes.

Move to adjourn passed without objection.


  1. Ryan Ryan August 1, 2024

    Can this paragraph be elaborated on, the first and last sentences seem contradictory.

    “LPCO chair is dodging being served. If CO Chair does not accept service, there will be a court order and Sheriff to serve. LPCO was served as chair and as designated agent.”

    • George Phillies George Phillies Post author | August 1, 2024

      I will try.

    • J. M. Jacobs J. M. Jacobs August 3, 2024

      The Chair of the LPCO indicated that she was served.

  2. Walter Ziobro Walter Ziobro July 31, 2024

    Interesting how Harlos has emerged as the champion of transparency.

  3. Meredith Hays Meredith Hays July 31, 2024

    Only cause Kathy commented for a last name correction: My last name is Hays without the E. Thanks!

    • George Phillies George Phillies Post author | July 31, 2024


  4. Kathy Yeniscavich Kathy Yeniscavich July 31, 2024


    • George Phillies George Phillies Post author | July 31, 2024

      Fixed. Sorry.

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