Chair Claims He Can’t
Minor correction. On careful re-reading we find that Redpath co-sponsored the appeal on the McArdle ruling that the Harlos motion was out of order, as opposed to co-sponsoring the original motion.
In the newest episode of LNC In Action, Bill Redpath has co-sponsored Caryn Ann Harlos’s motion:
“I move to rescind the JFC due to changed circumstances of RFK, Jr. endorsing Trump so that inevitably even in states he has not withdrawn from monies raised will go to support the duopoly we oppose and its character is thus fundamentally different from what was passed.”
Bill Redpath: Tuesday, September 3, 2024 11
I co-sponsor.
and the Chair answered:
Bill, this is out of order. No co sponsors needed.
In the intervening discussion, Travis Bost asked an intelligent question:
Would rescission by the LNC also void or neuter the affiliate level agreements?
To which Keith Thompson responded:
If a state or local affiliate enters into a joint fundraising agreement for our direct political opponents against the wishes of our Presidential campaign, that shame is on them. We should feel no obligation to remain in such an agreement to shield their poor choices.
The answer to Travis’s question is ‘no’, or at least it was a decade ago, but we are into the arcana of FEC rules.
Someone needs to sue her personally and corporately and get discovery. The law is very unclear it seems like now state chairs hold at least 5% of voting rights. Less in that split region 3. Where is the coward to save the LP?
No, the only voting rights are held by the 25 members of the National Committee. The LNC has no other members in the needed sense.
Read the DC Code – anyone who holds 5% of voting rights for any director can but a lawyer or some in law needs to read. I’m just a Joe.
Damian, Do you happen to have a more detailed reference for the 5% rule? I suspect that it may have been overlooked by some people who would want to have known about it. Private message with location is fine. George
I have consulted with experts. They advise me that the rule in question is not applicable.
“It was not overlooked, it is inapplicable. According to the articles of incorporation, the LNC, Inc.’s only members are the directors. They are appointed by separate bodies – the convention and the state parties. A procedure found only in the bylaws, by the way, not the articles. But that does not give those bodies “voting power” as it is used in the Code. Nor does it make their members “members” of the corporation. The bylaws do provide for “membership” in the party, but that, too, is not membership in LNC, Inc. The bylaws do not override the articles; the articles define the corporation.
Imagine a corporation gives the Mayor a seat on its board ex-officio. The Mayor is elected by the population at large of the city. But that does not make the population into members of the corporation, nor do they hold any part of the voting power. This is similar.
It is very different from, say, a stock corporation, where shares carry voting power in electing the board at the annual meeting. The convention is not the LNC, Inc.’s biannual meeting. It is a separate body with the power to tinker with the bylaws and to appoint some of the members of the LNC. Think of a line drawn between the articles and the bylaws. That’s where the corporation ends. Everything below the line is the party.”
The state chairs could appoint a member strictly to have standing to sue Angela.
George I think you are wrong on this. I’d ask a few others. Also what about suing her and others as Lib officers not LNC? Two different groups. It can be straight breach of duty, derivatives are stupid. Then any member can do it not just LNC member. She’s endorsing Trump. Some legal eagle can make a case.
This could be interpreted as: Failing all other scams Trump through RFK Jr is attempting, through his agent McArdle,to rob the LP(where it is obvious now-there is no money to steal). What Donny,won’t Putin,Xi,Kim,or the Crown Prince(of Saudi Arabia) or the Billy Graham Crusade float you a loaner anymore in your MACA(Make America Colonial Again) campaign?
I’m trying to make heads or tails of what you said. It seems to lack a great deal of context that would be necessary to undertake beginning any such journey, or even to start undertaking the preparations necessary to contemplate the viability of setting out on one.
You constantly make random off topic comments and makes it hard to be here.
What random or off topic comments? Everything I post has been on topic, and the editor further narrows it down considerably.