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Chase Oliver on the 2026 LNC Elections

I’m a life member and if I am a delegate in 2026 (I’m planning on it) I will be looking for a few things in the people I would support for innerparty office.

  1. Transparency

No more overuse of executive session, an easy to find public facing email list complete with debate and discourse, and a commitment by board members to provide Libertarian Party members with clear, current, and up to date information regarding finances, projects, staff reports, and KPIs regarding donor stewardship, membership retention, and number of elected Libertarians and campaigns.

  1. Professionalism

Many of the barbs, insults, mudslinging, and maligning I’ve seen from several current LNC members is unbecoming of someone entrusted with the work of the party of principle.  Such behaviors in a corporate setting would lead to an immediate dismissal from the board out of respect for the shareholders and customers (in our case, members and voters).  We should see a better relationship between region reps and state party leadership to provide the LNC with on the ground feedback from members.

We should set a standard of excellence for our board members.

  1. Ethics

Board members must declare any potential conflicts of interest and properly recuse themselves from any instances where those conflicts arise.

If that is violated, we must have a quick way to assess the nature and scope of the violation and appropriate actions must be taken.

  1. A track record

I will be most inclined to support candidates who have demonstrated success and growth in either their work with an active state party or in the nonprofit space. I want people who can say “you can trust me to turn this org around and build upward because I did it when I ran X, Y, or Z”.

It’s not about what part of the tent you’re in, or which caucus you feel best represents you. My support will only be won with the above criteria.


  1. Hank Phillips Hank Phillips February 6, 2025

    Is Phillies for or against resetting the original 1972 Libertarian Party Platform?
    Disclosure: I just found out abt this site from Brian at Reason, and my first impression is positive. I especially appreciate the extra languages.

    • George Phillies George Phillies Post author | February 9, 2025

      Is Phillies for or against… No, he is not for or against that proposal.

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