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LNC Resolution Aiding Russian Attack on Ukraine

Naturally, the LNC calls the duck something else, but it walks and quacks like a duck.  The resolution reads:

Resolution Urging the United States Congress and the Incoming Trump Administration to Halt Military Involvement in Ukraine to Prevent Nuclear Escalation

Whereas, the single greatest threat to the survival of humanity is nuclear Armageddon, and current U.S. foreign policy dangerously escalates tensions with nuclear-armed nations;

Whereas, the Biden Administration’s recent decision to greenlight the use of long-range weapons capable of striking deep inside Russia has violated explicit red lines set by Russian leadership, significantly increasing the risk of global nuclear war;

Whereas, such provocative actions unnecessarily endanger the lives of the American people and the entire Western world by escalating conflicts to a point of no return;

Whereas, NATO, as an entangling alliance, obligates the United States to commitments in Europe that risk dragging the nation into a broader war, potentially escalating to a nuclear confrontation;

Whereas, continued U.S. military aid to Ukraine prolongs the conflict and undermines efforts for a peaceful resolution, contributing to an unnecessary loss of life and destruction;

Whereas, the Libertarian Party opposes foreign intervention and advocates for diplomacy and trade as tools to foster peace and avoid catastrophic war;

Whereas, the United States government’s reckless spending of taxpayer dollars diverts resources away from American citizens through coercive taxation and destructive inflation;

Resolved, that the Libertarian National Committee calls upon the United States Congress and the incoming Trump Administration to immediately cease all weapons shipments and military support to Ukraine, ending U.S. involvement in a conflict that risks nuclear escalation;

Resolved, that the Libertarian National Committee recognizes NATO as an entangling alliance that places undue commitments on the United States, dragging the nation toward potential wars in Europe and beyond;

Resolved, that the Libertarian National Committee urges Congress to prioritize diplomacy and peaceful negotiations to resolve the conflict in Ukraine and de-escalate tensions with nuclear- armed nations;

Resolved, that the Libertarian National Committee condemns the reckless actions of the federal government that escalate the risk of nuclear war and enrich the military-industrial complex at the expense of global peace and American safety;

Resolved, that the Libertarian National Committee calls upon Congress to cease the use of taxpayer dollars for foreign military aid, reduce federal spending by the corresponding amount, and lower the overall tax burden on American citizens accordingly;

Resolved, that the Libertarian Party reaffirms its commitment to advocating for a foreign policy based on non-interventionism, respect for sovereignty, and peaceful diplomacy.


  1. Joseph Joseph January 25, 2025

    Has Angela and the LNC passed a resolution demanding Russia leave Ukraine and go back to Russia?
    That would end the war immediately.
    Just saying.

    Putin/Russia is the aggressor here…not Ukraine.
    As long as the Ukrainian people want to keep defending themselves, their families and their country from outside aggression, they should be supported.

    • Daniel Lutz Daniel Lutz January 25, 2025

      Then support them, but don’t make decisions for my household or money. I would agree with and love to see that resolution. I absolutley agree Russia was the aggressor and if I wasn’t a parent I would sell my skills from the Marine Corps to Ukraine because I do feel they are being aggressed. But I’m not gonna kidnap you in the night to go fight with me so don’t touch my wallet for it.

      • Joseph Joseph January 26, 2025

        You missed the point.
        Passing a resolution demanding Ukraine capitulate to Putin is supporting aggression.
        I never said anything about giving Ukraine tax dollars.
        You did.

  2. Thomas Leonard Knapp Thomas Leonard Knapp January 25, 2025

    While I oppose US (military or other, to Ukraine or any other regime), it’s not the US regime’s job to “prioritize diplomacy and peaceful negotiations to resolve the conflict in Ukraine.” The conflict in Ukraine is not and never has been the US regime’s business at all.

    • Joseph Joseph January 25, 2025

      Agree….it’s not the USA’s business, per se.
      Unless Ukraine asks other friendly nations for help to fight off foreign aggression.
      And they did.

      It’s analogous to your neighbor violating the NAP and being aggressive towards you and your family.
      So you ask your other neighbors for help in fighting off said aggression.

      A noninterventionist and an isolationist are two different things.

      • Daniel Lutz Daniel Lutz January 25, 2025

        I agree but we the people were never asked how we felt about our stolen money being sent over seas. There was no declaration of war. And foreign aid should be done by referandum. 2/3 threshold minimum. Or better yet just let individuals donate what they can.

  3. Kyle Markley Kyle Markley January 24, 2025

    The previous time we tried “to prioritize diplomacy and peaceful negotiations to resolve the conflict in Ukraine and de-escalate tensions with nuclear-armed nations” was after Russia’s 2014 invasion of Ukraine. The yield of that was Russian entrenchment in Crimea and Donbas, re-armament, and a subsequent invasion in 2022.

    Why should we repeat a strategy that didn’t work the last time we tried it?

    Russia’s ambition is very clearly to topple and control Ukraine. They’ve already annexed huge swaths of it. Is the LP calling for a temporary peace followed by a re-invasion and finishing-off of Ukraine? Because that’s what it would get. And they should be smart enough to realize it.

    If nuclear-armed imperialists get away with invading their neighbors, we will see more nuclear-armed imperialists invade their neighbors. Incentives matter. China is watching.

  4. Todd Hagopian Todd Hagopian January 24, 2025

    Wow – No, this resolution doesn’t aid Russia in attacking Ukraine.

    I am no fan of the current LNC, but this resolution is 100% in line with our platform

    • Daniel Lutz Daniel Lutz January 24, 2025

      Agree, this and the other are well within Libertarian bounds and platform. There is no calls for aggression. The gaggle of morons got this right.

      • Jim Jim January 25, 2025

        True, it does not call for aggression. But, if it became US policy, it would give a green light to every other country in the world which wanted to engage in aggression to do so. The only way to stop that from happening and be in accordance with this resolution would be for every country in the world to build thousands of nuclear weapons and demonstrate a willingness to use them. And WMD’s in themselves are arguably a violation of libertarian principles because they can do uncontrolled, indiscriminate damage, making them impossible to use purely defensively. So, it isn’t advancing the libertarian cause.

        Non-aggression is a libertarian principle. Non-intervention is a paleo-conservative point which paleo-libertarians have successfully convinced many libertarians is standard libertarianism.

        The resolution makes even less sense given that many paleo-libertarians support secession into micro states based on nationality. Ask them how such a micro-state is supposed to prevent the warlord’s problem and many of them will reply by suggesting a network of defensive alliances… in other words, NATO. There is nothing anti-libertarian about a defensive alliance on a theoretical level, but there are, apparently, serious objections when the US government actually participates in one.

        • Joseph Joseph January 26, 2025

          Non-interventionism doesn’t mean one can’t help other countries who ask for help…it means one doesn’t go around the world interfering in other countries business uninvited.

          And there is nothing not libertarian about mutual agreed upon defense alliances.
          NATO has been 100% successful. It’s sole purpose was to prevent another ground war in Europe among its members.
          It has accomplished that goal.

          • Daniel Lutz Daniel Lutz January 26, 2025

            No there is nothing non l8bertarian about defense alliances, but there is something against great wisdom from Washington in longstanding entangeling alliances, which is what NATO is.

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