We quote the resolution:
Resolution Urging the United States Congress to End Military Support to Israel and Cease Global Expenditure of U.S. Taxpayer Dollars
Whereas, continued U.S. military support to Israel exacerbates tensions in the Middle East, increasing the likelihood of a direct war with Iran that would unnecessarily drag the United States into another costly conflict;
Whereas, U.S. ties to Israel present significant conflicts of interest, especially through the lobbying efforts of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which perpetuate a deep-rooted influence on American politics to the detriment of U.S. sovereignty and the principles of non- interventionism;
Whereas, the Israeli government has committed acts that constitute genocide against innocent Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, including the use of excessive and indiscriminate military force that has resulted in significant civilian casualties;
Whereas, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has committed war crimes during its ongoing conflicts with Palestinians, actions that violate international human rights and humanitarian law;
Whereas, the Libertarian National Committee recognizes the atrocious acts committed by the IDF against the USS Liberty, an unprovoked and deliberate attack that killed 34 American servicemen and wounded 171 others, and condemns this act as both kinetic and philosophical in its assault on U.S. interests and principles;
Whereas, the United States government has recklessly spent taxpayer dollars on foreign military and domestic military industrial complex expenditures, placing an undue burden on the American people through taxation and inflation, violating the principles of fiscal responsibility;
Whereas, the Libertarian Party opposes foreign intervention, including military aid that perpetuates conflicts and undermines efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East;
Resolved, that the Libertarian National Committee calls upon the United States Congress to immediately cease all military aid and support to Israel, ending U.S. involvement in perpetuating conflicts in the Middle East;
Resolved, that the Libertarian National Committee condemns the actions of the Israeli government, including its genocide of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, its war crimes, and its persistent violations of international law;
Resolved, that the Libertarian National Committee specifically condemns the lobbying efforts of AIPAC and its undue influence on American politics, calling for the severing of ties that compromise U.S. independence and sovereignty;
Resolved, that the Libertarian National Committee calls for a formal recognition and public condemnation of the Israeli Defense Force’s attack on the USS Liberty as an act of aggression against the United States;
Resolved, that the Libertarian National Committee urges the United States Congress to cease the global expenditure of U.S. taxpayer dollars, instead cutting those expenditures from the Federal budget and removing the burden on the American people;
Resolved, that the Libertarian Party commits to advocating for a foreign policy based on non- interventionism, respect for sovereignty, and peaceful diplomacy, urging the U.S. government to prioritize the interests of the American people over foreign entanglements.
Resolved, that the Libertarian National Committee support the cease-fire in Gaza, and encourages both sides to seek permanent armistice, tend to humanitarian needs, and reach a deal that supports lasting peace.
It’s obvious the LNC doesn’t understand the history of the Palestinian Arab-Israeli conflict.
Israel has offered Arafat/Abbas their own State on many occasions in exchange for peace.
The last being Israeli PM Ehud Olmert in 2008 when Abbas was offered 94% of the West Bank for a Palestinian State.
Abbas said no, Israel withdrew from Gaza, Hamas took over, and then hardliner Netanyahu was elected PM because the Israeli people realized Abbas and the PA are not legitimate peace partners.
Years later Abbas is on record stating he should have accepted Israel’s offer.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free….of Jews.
Thats what this slogan means.