Libertarian Party National Chair Angela McArdle has resigned as Party National Chair. Her announcement came early Saturday morning. A motion accepting her resignation, effective immediately, is before the LNC. Her resignation read:
From: Angela McArdle <>
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2025 6:30:10 AM (UTC+00:00) Monrovia, Reykjavik
To: lnc-public_forward <>
Subject: Resignation, Thank You, and Timeline
Hello Everyone,
I am taking on a new opportunity soon that will make it impossible for me to stay on as Chair, so I am resigning. I’m very grateful that I was able to help facilitate Ross’s full pardon and release from prison before I left, and I will have a longer statement soon about my experience as chair and gratitude for the people who helped me accomplish so much in my two terms. I will continue to work closely with staff over the next few weeks to make sure we have strong successorship, brand identity, and a political strategy for the coming year. I will continue to support Michael Heise with his fundraising efforts for as long as I can, and would love to see him or Josiah Baker, the TN Chair, elevated to the board to fill vacancies.
Thank you all!
Angela McArdle
Chair, Libertarian National Committee
It is our understanding that the resignation occurred soon after the two derivative suits reached the discovery process, and discovery was requested for documents relating to the apparent embezzlement of party funds by McArdle.
Why is McArdle still allowed to post to the LNC list now that she’s no longer an LNC member?
I want to know just who this George Quillies is that Angela alludes is government agent and that she will kick to the curve? Just who could she be reffering to?
The party mascot is a porcupine. With my agreement the porcupine was named. The porcupine is George Quillies.
Maybe I should warn her not to try kicking that George while wearing open toed shoes. I have some experince from dealing with a dog that decided to harass a porcupine. Nah… let her learn the hard way.
So you are a federal agent? I’ve known you almost 20 years and while you can be inquisitive and ask a lot of questions, that doesn’t necessarily make you a federal agent.
She really is off the deep end at this point.
McArdle thinks I’m a Fed? Say, a Federal Turkey Inspector? (A real job, and not an entirely safe one.)
Do federal turkey inspectors have those cool battle dress uniforms with the FTI logo? Are they special agents?
Yo, them MC turkeys runnin’ the show gotta get checked for any shady biz, ya dig it sucka?
Jive turkey?
Ha, you members of the loser brigade, Angela has got us the first life time member of the Libertarian Party as President of the United States. /s
Yeah, losers.
And RFK will be the first Libertarian cabinet member.
Promises made, promises kept.
RFK is about as libertarian as Trump, which is to say, not at all.
Trump is a full authoritarian.
Crazy to me many so called libertarians, and even some LP state affiliates, such as LPNH, support Trump.
It’s like they don’t understand libertarian philosophy.
“I like to take the guns first and give due process second”
-Donald Trump
To libertarians, and 2nd amendment supporters, that comment in itself should be disqualifying.
Trump doesn’t understand Freedom and Liberty.
Or due process.
All I see is republicans amd democrats helping themselves, per usual, all angela managed to do was filter money through the party, drain the coffers into hers and others pockets to do it and abandon any semse of what a libertarian is. angele has proven to be nothing more than a neo-con christian who figured out a way to get closer to her jesus and she destroyed the best vehicle for liberty in the process. But hey she got hers, who care that the party is hemoraging money and members and is poised to slip below 10k cutting the party in half under her “leadership” or to use the basic language of the MC “loldership.” Donations are at all time lows and candidate recruitment has tanked, why? Because who is going to run in a party that sells out to the republocand or the dems, no one, in one cycle you killed the only “leveage” you had, we had, all so angela could get a job woth the governemnt. No wonder people.think the MC os full of simps.
Remember when McArdle bragged on X that she would impose her will on the LP no matter what and that her detractors should “catch her if they can?”
Well apparently they can.
I wonder if this “new opportunity” is in a country with no extradition treaty with the U.S.
No chair…no vice chair…I guess that the Secretary needs to dust off the old gavel…
No succession beyond vice chair.
Per Roberts, if the chair and vice chair are not present, the secretary, runs the meeting and acts as temporary chair in order to hold votes to elect a new chair and vice chair.
The fact that there is nothing in the libertarian party bylaws other than defaulting to Roberts takes us to Roberts. And Roberts takes us to the secretary.
Yes but only to preside over the selection of a chair pro tem. At that point the secretary reverts to being secretary.
No such luck that either derivative suit are in the discovery process. I looked the cases up. The LNC filed a motion for reconsideration in the Vest lawsuit and there is no hearing scheduled yet in the Harlos lawsuit on the motion to dismiss or on the motion to consolidate there.
The timing aligns more or less with the pardon of Ross Ulbricht and a role she is expecting to take with another organization or direct with the Trump Administration.
While it is certainly possible that she has a position lined up somewhere, the timing looks more like a reaction to the motion to investigate her actions as chair.
Hopefully, they will continue to investigate and will come to an accurate conclusion regarding what took place.
If money was “stolen“, can there be restitution? Could there be a criminal investigation and charges brought?
If she is charged with a crime, Trump would be likely to pardon her. She isn’t a big enough fish for it to be important to him, and the political capital it would cost him and the coverage in the media would make it more likely he would just abandon her to her problems.
In earlier reports on third-party watch, there was mention of other contributions. I believe there was also mention of other board members doing questionable things, although only a much smaller scale. Will they be investigated?
I don’t believe this is over. If it is, and they drop the investigation into her and other board members, questions will haunt the LNC for a considerable amount of time.
I wrote unlikely to pardon not likely to pardon. The alleged AI that Apple has put in the latest OS and that you cannot easily turn off, decided to change several words and punctuation as I hit submit. Hopefully it will not do it to this message as well.
I once saw a sign that told us “Autocorrect has become our new enema”
Yes… It installed itself with one of the most recent updates. I turned it off, of course. Then there was another update, and as you would expect, Apple in its infinite wisdom turned it back on. It is similar to the change to bluetooth every update. Even though I have Bluetooth off on a number of my devices so that they don’t compete against each other, updates always turn it back on.
It is off again.
Guaranteed this “new opportunity” is a job in the Trump administration.
Probably with RFK at HHS.
What did she accomplish besides a steep decline in membership and revenue?
And possibly embezzlement.
FSP and many others have been trying to Free Ross long before Angela was chair. Rand Paul sent Trump a letter asking him to pardon Ross a few days prior to the pardon.
Did she help get Ross a pardon, yes.
Was Ross pardoned because of Angela, absolutely not.
I really hope she resigns because of a new opportunity and not because of stupid attacks from people who never accomplished anything.
She promised, and she delivered. Ross is free, and she has a lot to do with it – see Trump’s pardon statement.
She proved LP can have a real influence and get tangible successes, making it a relevant political party instead of procedures and purity obsessed social club.
She had the poor cards of a 3rd party, but played them brilliantely.
On the other hand, what did the confederacy of dunces achieve ?
McArdle spend a lot of energy to get a wrongfully jailed man freed.
McArdle negotiates this with the President of United States
Harlos spends energy to avoid to be held accountable for sabotaging a winning strategy, not by defending what she did, but by screaming around : “Procedures ! Bylaws ! Roberts !”
Guess who is entering inLP history for achievement, and who will be (if ever) hust remembered as a pain in the ass ?
Good luck Mrs McArdle. You did great, you made LP relevant again !
They dropped the Michigan suit at the same point in the legal process. They did not want to go through discovery.
They were in discovery. Remember, the LNC was the plaintiff.
Discovery goes both ways to protect the defendants against people with situational ethics.