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Region 7 Chairs Demand Malagon Removal

The five State Chairs from Region 7 have unanimously demanded that Adrian Malagon by removed as an At-Large member of the LNC.  (For By-Laws aficionados, the LP term is ‘motion to suspend’.)

Their reason for the demand is that Malagon has twice moved, successfully, to exclude Region 7 Representative Beth Vest from an executive session  meeting of the LNC Executive Committee.

While it is agreed that under the rules the Executive Committee can choose who to admit to one of their executive session meetings, the historical record is that until very recently such an exclusion had never occurred.

The full text of the letter reads:

To the National Libertarian Committee:

We, the chairs of Region 7, are appalled at the events preceding the Executive Committee
meeting on 29 March 2024. At large representative Adrian Malagon made motion to exclude our
representative Beth Vest from observing the ExCom meeting with a reason that has no basis
nor merit, repeating actions prior to the previous ExCom meeting on 4 February 2024

This is a pattern of behavior that is unprofessional and detrimental to the business the
Libertarian National Committee is tasked to conduct

With those concerns in mind, the chairs of Region 7 call for the removal of Adrian Malagon,
effective upon receipt of this letter; with this action, we will hope to bring a level of
professionalism and restore representation to the states of region 7

In service to Liberty,
Michael Pakko, Libertarian Party of Arkansas
Heide Alejandro-Smith, Libertarian Party of Louisiana
Dustin Coffell, Missouri Libertarian Party
Christopher Powell, Oklahoma Libertarian Party
Whitney Bilyeu, Libertarian Party of Texas