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Massachusetts LP State Chair Resigns

Last updated on April 26, 2024

Charles Larkin, State Chair of the United Libertarians of Massachusetts (ULMA), has resigned.  He also resigned from the ULMA Delegation to the National Convention.  ULMA is the Massachusetts Libertarian Faction recognized by the LNC as their affiliate.  His resignation letter follows.

He also has sent an addendum.


April 13, 2024

To the State Executive Committee and members of ULMA,Effective immediately, I am turning in my resignation as Chairman. It was my intention originally to stay on at least through tomorrow and the planned business meeting to see if some path forward could be determined, but after the actions of the last several weeks that I’ve been watching, and now with several attacks against me, my character, and my judgment have been leveled, my intelligence mocked, and my predisposition to try and treat people with some semblance of dignity and respect walked on with golf cleats, I have no choice but to resign now, both for my own mental health, and to protect myself from any legal liability that may be imposed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, willfully inflicted by others against me.
In the last month, I have seen the following matters:
  1. Improper financial management, and now, after finding issues, improper management that at least appears willful, with concerns raised by myself and others laughed off.
  2. Several reports have been filtered back to me of an attempt to try and remove me vis a vis a coup of sorts, using social media I don’t use. These reports have included screenshots of written text.
  3. Six individuals who, somewhat separately, and together, have started a massive personality war, with four parties accusing each other of using the same purposes and tactics to attempt to manipulate and control me. On retrospective, I think all four were correct, whether said manipulation was intentional or not. If unintentional, I apologize for undue pain caused, but you as individuals need to find better ways to fix things, and address issues. If it was intentional, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
  4. Watching people violate personal trusts reposed in them, which, in my opinion, is absolute treachery, and completely unacceptable behavior as a Libertarian, and as a member of society, generally. If this is indicative of the calibre of people with whom I am dealing, it will be very difficult, if not impossible to create a cohesive, honorable organization.
  5. In my efforts to try and protect ULMA from further negative action, I advised a very conservative course of action regarding business and meeting procedures while OCPF performed its work. This earned me nothing but scorn and contempt from several people, largely in the interest of pursuing personal agendas for their own advantage, or against others. As Chairman, I have a fiduciary duty to make every effort to protect the best interests of ULMA, and whether anyone likes that or not, that includes a strict following of OCPF directives, no matter how onerous or silly they may appear to be, because I believe it’s in our best interests to do so to avoid further issues and sanctions.
But, apparently, others feel differently. I am tired of being played for a fool, of being openly ignored, and having my requests for things to be done that are in better long-term interests ignored in favor of short-term gains, or personal agendas. I also do not appreciate these alleged plots against my administration, or to harm the reputations or possibly even physically harm, members of the Libertarian Party of Worcester County. Unacceptable.
No organization can survive such an internal attack upon itself, and we are no different. The hard work of those genuinely committed to success has been cast aside by grievances, petty and not so petty, and most poorly handled, and everything by all parties involved being forced to nuclear options, resulting in insults and taunts. Internal self-attack is not how to resolve things; nasty messages on Facebook or elsewhere is not how to resolve things. Sitting down face-to-face and resolving differences is. Guess what nobody was apparently willing to do because it would involve confrontation of an issue that needed resolution, and possibly your own mistakes, in addition to the mistakes of others? This proved to me beyond any doubt that there is no seriousness here, and this is turning into a farce.
Therefore, my resignation as Chairman is effective immediately. Along with this, is my resignation as a delegate for the LNC; because of the way that my hand has been forced, I have no credibility now, and will probably never have any again, having been harassed, bullied, and proven that I cannot lead anyone, or anything, in addition to not feeling safe physically or psychologically around several people.
The minutes of the Convention will be forwarded to Rebecca Lau for continuity of records as soon as I have a chance to do so.
My only regret at this point is that I was self-deluding enough to be able to bring productivity and unity to a group bent on the exact opposite.


Charles H. Larkin


Resignation addendum:

  1. I had a phone call with Tom Eddlem yesterday. He updated me on getting issues corrected, and I am satisfied he is making a good-faith effort to correct the problems. He has assured me that he will fully cooperate with OCPF during their enquiries, and any subsequent questions.
  1. Allegations of threats against me and LPWC, and against my officership were received second-hand. Where I presently do not use social media, “relay” is the only way I receive most information at this point. The sources giving me this information are deemed reliable, but, like other humans, not infallible. If an error in understanding has been made, I will do my best to correct it. I ask that no retaliatory action be taken against these people, as I sincerely believe they were trying to look out for my best interests without malice intended towards others.

This being said, due to OCPF regulations as presently being interpreted, if for no other reason, my resignation must stand. That must include what I believe was a well-intended, and, given the situation, very kind offer from Jason Brand to be an at-large member of the board, as I believe that will still be in violation of the affiliated PAC rules, which is much of the root cause of our present troubles. To my way of thinking, exacerbating that issue will not serve the short- or long-term interests of libertarianism generally within Massachusetts, regardless of the specific organizations attached to the general cause, and only invite increased scrutiny and potentially greater difficulty in operating in any manner that might be considered effective. For those wondering, my resignation as Secretary of LPWC was refused, hence the affiliated PAC rules still being very much in play.

While OCPF did not object to my being a delegate to the National Convention, I do not believe I am suited any longer, as this resignation has completely discredited me. Even if that were not the case, until I am sure there is no active threat against my person or my mental health, I do not feel comfortable going. Should I attend (still very unlikely), it will be as a volunteer for the Mapstead campaign, and you probably will not see me, as I will request as far back room a position as can be arranged to avoid further derision and embarrassment, perceived or actual.

Thank you.


Charles H. Larkin


  1. mark tuniewicz mark tuniewicz April 16, 2024

    So…there is a official state of Massachusetts OCPF investigation, one which relates to improper Affiliated PAC relationships and willful, improper financial management? At a level serious enough that he would rather resign, than be the person ultimately responsible as chair even though it appears others did the deeds? Mr Larkin seems to be the latest party leader to be abused by the Mises Clan, and badgered out of his position unfairly.

    • George Phillies George Phillies Post author | April 16, 2024

      So far as I can tell as a member of both groups there was not willful mismanagement with respect to what Charlie did as Chair. There was a question as to whether Worcester County Libertarian Party and United Libertarians of Massachusetts shared directors, which is one of many things perhaps disallowed under Massachusetts laws, in addition to which there had been considerable unpleasantness, and several people quit the ULMA Board. OCPF by report also had other issues with WCLP bookkeeping. It is unclear how WCLP can be an affiliate of ULMA rather than an affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Massachusetts, since “Libertarian Party” under state law belongs to the newly elected state committee.

      • Janel Holmes Janel Holmes April 17, 2024

        George, just to make clear there isn’t issue with Worcester County’s bookkeeping. The issue becomes if OCPF decides we are affiliated. I believe they have already determined that they consider us affiliated PACs which means we have to share contribution limits. Individual contributions are limited to $500 per year per person. There would only be issue for Worcester if an individual maxed out donation limits with ULMA then donated to LPWC causing an excess. In that case OCPF would require the excess to be paid back to the donor.

        ULMA has been willfully negligent in reporting correctly. There is evidence of this in messages and meeting minutes. OCPF website shows that about every other month under the current treasurer they ask for clarification or revision. He claims monthly audits are normal, I can tell you as former treasurer they are not and it is nearly impossible to mess up beyond a clerical error as reporting is simple data entry. They disregard reporting requirements out of “convenience”. Name called Charlie for trying to establish compliance before he was signed on as a fiduciary. They even failed to report to OCPF that there was a change in Chair. This is not to mention that I had to ask the current treasurer multiple times to change the address of the committee with the bank as they continued to send me mail for a year. Each time I was told it was done yet a bank statement would show up the next month. They apparently also haven’t been able to keep their own records of membership and are holding a special convention to remove me from the delegation for protecting my personal file I created for my record keeping but shared with the membership director so they could make a copy to work off of. They just continued to work on my personal file?! Now scream theft of assets because I won’t grant them access on my google drive. Mind you if the treasurer was doing his job he would also have identical information and they could also just download that data from OCPF. So why do they want original my personal file?! Why go to such lengths when they have even admitted to having a copy of said document? My conclusion is that they want to alter or delete my records to cover up something.

        Charlie is good people and he wants to believe everyone is acting in good faith but the facts show they are not. Cue personal attacks on anyone questioning and calling them out. …

        • George Phillies George Phillies April 17, 2024

          Sorry if I left the impression that there was an issue with the Worcester books.

      • Mike Brigham Mike Brigham April 17, 2024

        no issues with WC book keeping. our books are completely open. ULMAs looks sus on OCPF by comparison.

  2. Mike Brigham Mike Brigham April 16, 2024

    Yea tom is working with OCPF because we are looking over his sholder at every step now. but if you look at his OCPF history it speaks volumes. watch what people say but also what they do because deeds will betray the lie.

  3. Richard Patrick McDonough Richard Patrick McDonough April 15, 2024

    I just wanted to make sure you know that you will always have a seat at South Shore Libertarian Party’s monthly meetings. Please feel free to reach out if there is anything we can do for you.
    In Libery,

    • Thomas R Eddlem Thomas R Eddlem April 17, 2024

      Yes, he will! Thank you for pointing out publicly what I already communicated privately to Charlie.

      I hope he reconsiders and decides to go to the national convention in Washington.

      He’s a good guy.

  4. Sean 'O Sean 'O April 15, 2024

    Item 4 appears truncated – is that an issue with the original letter or a copy/paste irregularity?

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