Situation Report: 21 Days to D.C. by Nick Sarwark
McArdle drops the MAGA mask just in time to get sued by an LNC member who takes their fiduciary and ethical duties seriously.
Dear Friends,
It’s been a busy time in the Libertarian Party, but it’s also been quite busy for me in managing our businesses. I promised an update on the derivative lawsuit against Angela McArdle as Chair of the Libertarian National Committee for breaching her duties to the membership.
After considering the content of Oliver Hall’s demand letter, the lawyers for the plaintiff LNC member drafted a complaint that addressed procedural issues raised by Mr. Hall and provided greater detail about specific acts of malfeasance and breach of duty and the D.C. nonprofit code by Angela McArdle and those LNC members who ratified her actions.
The bad news for the nearly 100 people who signed up as willing to be plaintiffs in the lawsuit is that there is a technicality of D.C. nonprofit law that prevents you from being plaintiffs with standing under the code. The good news is that a member of the LNC absolutely has standing and will be a plaintiff.
We had generous supporters who covered most of the legal bills up to the drafting of the complaint, but the complaint has resulted in an invoice of nearly $9,000 over what had already been put on retainer with the Veritas Law Firm. This amount was reduced thanks to the generous pro bono efforts of Bruce Godfrey, partner with Zipin, Amster & Greenberg in preparing this lawsuit for filing.
If you are inclined or able to support this lawsuit financially, please contact me and I can provide you with contribution options.
We also considered adding Angela McArdle’s latest violation of her duties as Chair of the Libertarian National Commitee by (1) engaging a major convention speaker without seeking LNC approval in violation of the policy manual, by (2) providing a convention speaking slot to a nominee of a rival political party in violation of the Libertarian Party’s bylaws, and (3) promoting merchandise with the likeness of a rival candidate to our nominee at convention.
But that has been addressed by LNC Treasurer Todd Hagopian, who started a motion to rescind the invitation of Trump, as well as Mark Rutherford, who is running to replace Angela McArdle at convention. Besides, political strategy is not the major problem with McArdle and her Mises Caucus crew. It’s that they have systematically dismantled the operational capacity of the Libertarian Party.
No more newspaper. No more D.C. area office. No more development staff. No more political staff. No more candidate recruitment. No more money coming in the door. No more growth.
It’s time for party members to say, “No More” to the Mises Caucus crew and take the Libertarian Party back for Libertarians. MAGA Republicans who support Donald Trump can see themselves out with Ms. McArdle, either before the convention or during it.
Yours in liberty,
Nicholas Sarwark
I’m not a Mises Caucus member, even though they endorsed me for JC. I’m neutral in terms of them and the Prags and every caucus save the Transparency Caucus (co-founder) and Tie-Dye Caucus (founder). Both personal ethics and the elected position within the Party that I’m in demand that. To this point the JC has not had to be interjected into anything regarding the caucus wars. We prefer it that way.
But that being said, the continued Sarwark & Co. carping about everything MC is old, repetitive, and dull. Rather than continued complaining about what they perceive to be problems, let’s see offered solutions.
They won’t leave willingly, we must make them ride out on a rail. #DC_Undoing