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LNC Meeting 5/11/2024 Liveblog

We will be more active when the meeting starts.

I had to step away for a few minutes.  They passed some motion and are now adjourned.

There are Secretarial notes indicating the content of the message:

Yeniscavich, Haman, and Watkins Subcommittee
As two of the subcommittee members are on the ExComm they can report their findings to the ExComm via email.  If the committee wishes to have any formal meeting (they are not required to as they can discuss by email and debate via email as well as vote by email), they need to give each other two days notice.  An email ballot would last seven days or until everyone has voted.

I look forward to the soon receipt of your good faith decision as to whether or not the maintenance of the derivative lawsuit is in the best interest of the non-profit corporation.