There is a debate in New Hampshire between Libertarians about putting the Oliver-Ter Maat Presidential campaign team on the ballot. We first have some quotes from the LPNH group recognized by the LNC, and then a plan for putting Oliver and Ter Maat on the ballot. Third Party Watch is neither endorsing nor opposing this effort. We are covering the issue as being newsworthy.
LPNH activist Jeremy Kaufman wrote: Chase Oliver not being on the ballot in New Hampshire would be a tremendous endorsement of the Free State movement attracting the right kind of libertarian. I hope it happens.”
Kauffman added (8:39 AM on May 29) “Many Free Staters are in LPNH primarily so that it doesn’t become a force which is actively hostile to Free Staters and liberty Republicans, as it was prior to 2021.”
To this, the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire twitter page @LPNH states at the start of June: “If the Libertarian Party wants to recruit right-wing white men, the cohort most capable of actually understanding libertarian ideas (not just “being a Libertarian”) it cannot be afraid to use politically incorrect language. Libertarians are not progressives.”
In contrast to the above, Justin O’Donnell wrote on FaceBook: Who here wants to donate to the NH Ballot Access drive to shut up Jeremy Kaufman? $5 is great, $5,000 is the max (there’s a bit of a grey area on the Max) I’m running the drive as an independent contractor, with no ties to LPNH. LPNH is free to do the right thing and chip in, but we aren’t holding our breath waiting for them. I’ve got boots on the ground ready to go, just need to get them paid. We’ve got $16,000 out of the needed $40,000 in the bank already. Let me you if you would like a link to contribute!
Your reporter asked why such a large dollar number was estimated. The needed number of signatures is modest, 3,000 valid. Furthermore, the nominating paper can cover multiple candidates from the same district, so the nominating paper is also gaining signatures for Gubernatorial candidate Steve Villee. The challenge is that New Hampshire voters can only sign one nominating paper for a given election. Petitioners for RFK, Jr., are already collecting signatures from the same group of potential signers, so anyone who signs for RFK cannot sign for Chase Oliver.
O’Donnell explains the petitioning financing: “This is a PayPal Invoice generated from my consulting company for the exact Amount Quoted to the Steve Villee Campaign for Governor. This effort is being undertaken by my firm, with paid staff, and includes the cost of petitioning, validation, and turn in for both Steve Villee ad Oliver-Ter Maat’s New Hampshire Petitions. The invoice is set up so multiple people can “pay” and accept partial payments, so multiple people can pay any amount, but invoiced to the exact figure, as we will not accept extra beyond our quote. (sent that extra directly to the campaigns).
“We are a for profit, we have our compliance to deal with here in NH, and will share all information about In-Kind contributions with the respective campaigns should a contribution over $100 be made that needs to be recorded in NH.”
You can read more about the fundraising arrangement at PayPal.
More absurdity from Piff the Dragon(Kaufmann) and company. What a load of collectivist anti Libertarian crap(white men?) I This is all about supporting the Republicans and idolatrous savages like Packard and Osbourne-the party of Trump: Puddles Pity Party. Merely as a statement of rejection to Puddles The Clown(MAGA-should be called MACA: Make America a Colony Again) real Libertarians(as in 1971 and in 1972 when at the First National LP Convention we all got up and gave a round of applause to Ayn Rand -a Jewsh Atheist Woman while the idolatrous savages forerunners of Kaufmann sulked in a corner) need to get out and put Chase Oliver and Ter Maat on the ballot. This latest news just underscores the Mises poison in the Libertarian body politic.