The LNC Judicial Committee has released the remainder of its opinions on the Harlos suspension. Recall that the vote was 6-1 in favor of reinstatement. The authors explain why they voted to overturn the suspension. Of particular interest, however, is a paragraph in Ken Krawchuk’s dissent:
Admittedly, the Harlos trial of 11/9 was conducted in Executive Session, contrary to the bylaws.
Regardless, the trial did indeed happen. That it may not have had the required visibility does not
change that fact that it was held, nor void its findings. Further, regardless of whether or not the trial
occurred in public, the results would still be the same. Therefore, the trial, its findings, and its
verdict all stand. Claims that the trial was invalid and cannot be relied upon are a relic of non-
Libertarian Party rules, and thus are not valid arguments.
I’m here for the drama. Pass the popcorn. This will only end in the removal of the secretary and an expensive lawsuit for the next year or two.
*Hands popcorn* I’ve got flatbread pizza in the oven too and beers in the cooler, this is gonna be better than people thought the Tyson Paul fight was gonna be. I think you’re right the next steps are removal, lawsuit, more oress than the LP usually gets in off years (if this had been a planned publictity stunt I might kind of admire it.) What do you think the over under is on mcardle getting Ulbrict out? Since everything else she tried to get fizzeled out.
Dr. Phillies, once again, you have been the go-to resource for JC material. Thank you!
Putting aside that the LJC on the day AFTER they were supposed to issue their opinion, the LJC applies their previous Phillies decision even though the underlying reasoning there no longer exists (PM amendment removing a restriction of cause should have retroactive consequences like any bylaws breach). The LJC opinion also ignores the unanimous vote to adopt the charges which even Mrs. Harlos said was enough to suspend the PM rule at the time.
How disappointing. How pedantic. Maybe Shakespeare would have agreed with Mr. Krawchuk about the participation of so many attorneys in the LJC has distorted the libertarian process (which is not supposed to be so legalistic in approach).
I wonder what happens next, another suspension and another LJC hearing?
Your duplicate post was removed. I agree that a recycle of the suspension and LJC appeal is plausible.
What is frustrating is that the LJC doesn’t actually touch on the allegations of Mrs. Harlos. They don’t exonerate her. They don’t end this controversy. Instead, they continue to act as if they are blind to the changing facts and the impact of their decision. It would make more sense Dr. Phillies if you were on the JC at least since you’re paying attention to these details.
The rules of the JC are arbitrary since they seem to be able to re-write them as they go along. Krawchuk seems just as frustrated since he’s decrying both the process and the thought process of the other JC members.
(Sorry for the double post)
The LJC is not a trial court here, its role was specifically not to determine questions of fact about this case. The LJC reviewed the actions of the LNC, concluded that the secretary was wrongly charged and tried, and therefore must be reinstated. The LNC broke the rules. Bad LNC.
They may try for a do-over, and if they do, they’ll need to follow the rules.
They actually mentioned that in Phillies.
Krawchuck makes no sense whatsoever. The other opinion had it right that the JudCom has to follow its own rulings and it is beyond belief that even needs to be said. Krawchuck TBH has been pretty terrible and illogical on this committee. He seems to think his job is to grovel before McAddled who would do nothing for him.
Since she became the head of the MC/LP they certianly have appeared to be more of “MeSimp” than “Mises”
If you are referring to Angela McArdle, she is not and has never been the head of the Mises Caucus. She was at one time the Chair of the Mises Caucus of California, but she resigned from that position prior to becoming Libertarian National Committee Chair. The current Chair of the Mises Caucus nationally is Aaron Harris. The prior Chair was Mises Caucus founder, Micheal Heise.
And Michael Whatley is the head of the GOP, while trump is just a gop member.