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Haman Resigns from LNC

We are advised that 8 of the 15 state chairs in Region 1 asked Adam Haman, their LNC Representative, to resign, and he has done as they requested. We do not at present have additional information as to the reason for the removal. Haman declined to comment on the reasons for his resignation.

Appearing on Facebook, a slightly edited statement from Culleen Lang: I’m told by our LPKS Chair, that Haman asked the state chairs if 8 of them wanted him to resign. According to Haman, MI, HI, MT, MN, AK, NM, ID, and KY told him yes. Third Party Watch has no indication as to why Haman asked the question, which from your Editor’s quarter-century of experience is a bit unexpected.



  1. Thomas Leonard Knapp Thomas Leonard Knapp February 2, 2025

    I agree with Andy.

    If you’re ever considering running for LNC, keep in mind that actually being on the LNC is both expensive and time-consuming. Think of it as a second job that you’re paying to have rather than getting paid to do.

  2. Andy Andy February 2, 2025

    The last 3 LNCs have probably had record numbers of resignations. I understand that things come up but before anyone runs for the LNC they should think long and hard about whether or not they will be able finish the term and if they have any doubt they should not run.

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