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Be polite

We are getting posters  who are being impolite in their references to other people. We have already blocked a certain number of out-and-out trolls.  If you find your comment did not appear, you should consider what you said.


  1. NewFederalist NewFederalist February 8, 2025

    I guess “polite” is a relative term. Some of the posts over at IPR do not fit the definition IMHO.

    • Stewart Flood Stewart Flood February 8, 2025

      IPR is not moderated. Anyone who can do basic math can post live.

      The obvious downside to moderation is that it slows down the flow of interaction on an active site. The benefit, of course, is that there is significantly less trolling. And of course, glaring errors can be caught and prevented.

      • Stewart Flood Stewart Flood February 8, 2025

        To my knowledge, IPR is not moderated. If it is, I am unaware of it. When I post a comment there, it has a CAPTCHA math problem. You enter the correct answer along with your comment post and your comment appears immediately.

        I do agree, however, that the person you refer to has a tendency to insult and berate just about everyone on IPR. The level of animosity in general is much higher over there than here.

        I have been on both of these sites for 20 years plus or minus a few months. Years ago, neither was moderated, but the world has changed, and some things are necessary.

        • Stewart Flood Stewart Flood February 9, 2025

          I assume that you noticed the irony in the fact that your comment saying that your comments about another person being insane have been censored was actually published.

          This does make me curious though. It is possible that since I post using my real name and nearly always post from the same few static IP addresses, all which actually can be traced back to either my home, my office, or a very large aircraft carrier, the system that IPR uses detects a pattern of activity and is more lenient.

          Either way, the point that the editor is making is that there is a desire to keep conversations here polite and civil. That is a rarity today.

          Well… Enough politics for this morning. I have to work on a part for the USS Laffey that I want to test tomorrow. I didn’t get to see the entire unit until Friday, and the part that I had made based upon seeing just the cover is off by a couple of millimeters.

          • NewFederalist NewFederalist February 10, 2025

            “…or a very large aircraft carrier…” – Stewart Flood

            I hope it is a Ford-class. Those ships need all the help they can get!

    • Stewart Flood Stewart Flood February 11, 2025

      That is true, but of course, third-party watch and IPR, while having a significant crossover of readership, serve completely different purposes.

      In the current environment of a nearly complete sensory overload of electronic “social“ media, people tend to react quickly, and to use snarkiness as a tool in debating rather than logic and reason.

      I believe that the delay added by having moderation significantly raises the level of civility. The back-and-forth of communication is not instantaneous, so you tend to add more and define your point more carefully when you are arguing for or against a particular position or commenting on something posted.

      As we enter the bottom portion of the election cycle, calm and rational debate becomes even more important.

      I, for one, would like to see more commentary about what is going on in the Constitution and Green parties. While, people who post here are not always libertarians, The discussion does tend to focus around events in their party.

      As you noted, the comments about articles on IPR do tend to become quite volatile and confrontational at times. IPR is a good site, and has extremely interesting news articles. I read both, but I tend to post more here.

      And for those who are interested, I printed the part on a printer on the ship overnight. They took it off this morning, cleaned it, and it fit perfectly. Now I have to test the rest of the part. Print estimate is 18 hours.

      Never go anywhere without a good set of calipers. Measure twice, print once.

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