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Third Party Watch

Submission | Letters

Editors: Have you looked @ recently? I looked at it yesterday, and it included a repost of a column by Ron Paul on the Italian elections, which seemed to welcome the victory of the nationalist coalition headed by the woman who has not hesitated to praise Mussolini. It also reposts a column by someone else celebrating the 11 Republicans…

What’s Next for Tulsi Gabbard?

In announcing she was leaving the Democraps, Tulsi Gabbard did not say whether she would become a true Independent, a Rethuglican, a capital-L Libertarian, or a Green. (This ex-Green shudders at the possibility of her joining the Green 2024 presidential field. I’m an ex-Green for current political purposes, but no, not a Democrap. But, I still eye Greens. And I’ll cut her…

Mises Caucus Captures State Parties

Through a vigorous 50-state effort and a well-planned and financed campaign, the Mises Caucus and its supporters have taken near-complete control of the Libertarian National Committee and its Judicial Committee. They did this by the expedience of calling on their supporters to appear at state convention after state convention, elect a new set of officers and a set of national…

LNC Intervenes in Virginia

We quote from the LNC’s public business page: On Sep 23, 2022, 5:15:51 PM (yesterday) Andrew Watkins | Region 5 Rep. wrote: “The LPVA website is back online! Several members are still diligently working to plan a special convention and fixing other immediate issues, but things are going along steadily. A statement lives on the landing page for anyone interested…

Starting a ‘New’ Party

There are occasional references to the vast expense and difficulty of launching a new party, references backstopped by the tens of millions of dollars Mayor Bloomberg of New York reportedly spent for a project that succeeded and then was cancelled. It should be understood that these claims refer to a specific project based on an idee fixe of the Libertarian…

Editorial: LP National Disgraces LP

@LPNational forwarded the following disgraceful image. The gentleman in the photograph is President Zelensky of Ukraine, the image having been edited to make him resemble the late German dictator. The Libertarian National Party has now been denounced internationally, starting with a tweet on Euromaidan. The disgraceful tweet:

New Massachusetts LP Activity

Having previously said that the Libertarian Association had a record of inactivity, I now note that there has been a recent marked change. Both Massachusetts groups have recently put up new web pages, the traditional Massachusetts group at, and the LNC-recognized group at The pages are both bright and attractive. The traditional group has four candidates for statewide…

Editorial: Political War to the Knife

Addendum: Indeed, in Idaho the Mises faction of the Libertarian Party has used the fact that they are recognized by the LNC to persuade the Idaho Secretary of State to recognize them as the valid State Committee. The time for Mises opponents to form their own national organization is yesterday. The contest between the Mises and non-Mises factions within the…