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Third Party Watch

Past Oregon Chairs Call for LP Oregon Boycott of  National Convention

From their recent press statement: The Libertarian Party of Oregon must boycott the 2024 Libertarian National Convention. For the convention organizers to invite the Presidential candidate of another political party to speak at our nominating convention would be wholly improper at any time. For them to invite former president Trump is shocking and appalling. Trump is the antithesis of every…

Editorial: Reno Reset Successes

Nearly two years ago, Libertarians chose to make a radical transformation of the party’s tactics. Old, ineffective processes were to be replaced with 21st century methods, leading to a bright future for America’s libertarian party. Indeed, the first half of that transformation has been carried out, efficiently and effectively, as promised. Direct mail fundraising has been substantially discontinued. Our old-fashioned…

Five Questions for LNC Officer Candidates

Answers will appear in comments.  Comments will be limited to candidates, though I may invite a few former officers and officer candidates to express their opinions. For each of the following topics relevant to the LNC, what are the strong and weak points of our current position? And what do you propose to do to improve our circumstances: 1) Fund…

LNC Candidates

We have a partial list of candidates for the LNC at the forthcoming Libertarian Party National Convention. With a tip of the hat to Stephen Meier for the officer candidate list, and to Ben Weir for filling in part  of the At-Large list, here is a list of known candidates for Chair Mark Rutherford (former LNC Vice Chair) Steven Nekhaila (At…

More Michigan Litigation

In the lawsuit of the Saliba group over the appointment of Michigan delegates to the Libertarian National Convention, the Federal judge ruled that the matter was not ready for his consideration, in that the plaintiffs had to go through the Michigan LP Judicial Committee first.  That’s a highly standard outcome; internal processes need to be exhausted first.  There was thus…

Robert Kraus on the March LNC Financials

Certain things stand out SHOUTING RED – but nothing more than this: Total receipts were $129,734.46. Total expenditures were $151,022.75. Note this includes convention revenue. At best they did perhaps $100K in non-convention but more – likely about $90K. Expenses have NOT been curtained as they had many times previously under different LNC’s during times of financial distress. The payroll…

Where Your Money Went: LNC March 2024.

These are indicative totals based on the FEC Financial reports covering March 2024.. Total receipts were $129,734.46. Total expenditures were $151,022.75. Cash on hand at the end of the month was $218,354.72. Payments were made to outside experts. Frye and Company, CPAs received $18,500 All in One Acounting received $8569. Oliver Hall’s retainer was $4500. Matthew Hudson received $4200 for…

On Toxic Tolerance

An Editorial by Nick Sarwark. Being tolerant is a great value to uphold, but tolerating discourtesy is the quickest way to kill an organization known to man. Dear Friends, Many of you are aware that I served on the Libertarian National Committee for three consecutive terms from 2014 until 2020. A smaller group of you know that I currently serve…

LNC Fails to Vote on Line of Credit

8 of the 17 LNC members did not vote at all on the motion. Four other members expressedly abstained. The Motion was: Move to direct the Chair and the Treasurer to obtain a secured line of credit backed by the HQ building equity in an amount of up to $250K on the terms most favourable to the Party with drawing…